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INI file editing help...


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ok, heres what I want to do..I want to take and change the plasma mines stock explosion to the mini nuke explosion. Then I want to raise the scale, size of the blast/explosion and mushroom cloud.



I need to know where and how to get to the INI files so I can change the damage and damage radius of any/every gun.



> Please Help me <



I have looked and can't find a single direct simple answer, so please help me {:-(

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sorry, I shoulda mentioned that..I have Geck, Blender, Python, fomm, nifscope, and fose. I know how to edit most of the textures. But what I need to know is where are the INI files that I can change that will, say, set the BB Gun to shoot 44 magnum shells. Or set the sniper laser rifle to shoot a blue laser and have it do 100 points damage instead of 28.


Don't get me wrong, I'm always the first guy to get in line to create my own items and my own gaming experience. the changes I make I keep and turn into a mod/patch sort of thing for furture play. I'm only needing help in how to change weapon projectiles and size and damage of Nuke explosions.


See what I'm saying, Ini files or whatever I need, I want to changes stuff, I want make the fatmans mini nuke explosion bigger and more powerfull. I want to set the damage radius bigger, the sound louder and the mushroom cloud bigger and last longer...Please help me.

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It's not the INI files you change to effect projectiles and damage, you have to edit the weapon directly in the geck.



Is that right, ok, I misunserstood. I'm used to games like Red Alert were it's all text files.



This is all brand new to me, blender, nifskope, geck, all new to me. I got the texture part down, I'm working out the mesh area. It's complicated for sure. I'm sure there are mods already out there that do what I'm trying to create but I don't want someone elses. No offense yall.


Could someone hook me up with a link to a good tutorial for weapon modifications using Geck? Or nifscope? other than the one provided with it?


Thank you for helping me

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