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Bound Items...


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I have never played a full-on mage character, generally preferring sword-mage or thief-type characters, so I have not used Conjuration at all. I am considering starting a mage, and figured it was time to make some use of Conjuration. Summons are blindingly obvious in how to use and benefit from, but I do not get Bound Items. A Bound Weapon would presumably be better than a real weapon until late game, I am guessing, but I would imagine Destruction magic would be more effective in the long run for a non-sword-mage... mage. Bound Armour just seems plain silly: cast a spell to give you a temporary armour bonus that penalises your spellcasting. Why not just wear armour, or use Shield spells? Are Bound items generally not especially useful, or am I missing the point with my complete inexperience with mage characters?


For what it is worth, I run Supreme Magicka and LAME (loaded in that order), which presumably has an impact on these spells from how they run in the vanilla game.

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What are they good for?



(Sorry, I couldn't resist. :) I really hope someone on the board gets this reference.)


But I see a couple of good uses for bound armor: the Spoiler above, and Bound Armor has saved my character's hide at least a couple of times when they were attacked unexpectedly and without proper equipment.

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I was aware of the exploit, but did not plan on using it.


So, essentially, it works as a panic button, rather than something you make constant use of (like regular armour). I guess that makes sense. It would probably be worth holding onto something for when things do go horridly wrong. I guess I will have to give it a try. Thanks!

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