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OBSE/Steam problems


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I'm having a few problems with OBSE for the Steam GotY edition. I've followed the installation instructions (and triple-checked that I have done so correctly). However, upon launching the game, OBSE seems barely functional. There are signs of it working. For example, obse_steam_loader.log reappears if I delete it, always with the text

crc = A2408F04
dll = c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\obse_1_2_416.dll

and nothing else. I'm not sure if that is normal. Furthermore, my game loads normally when Thieves' Arsenal is installed and running, and I distinctly remember from my years using the disk version that that particular mod shut your game down if OBSE wasn't running. getOBSEVersion in console returns nothing whatsoever - no error, but no version either. And that's about the extent of it. None of my OBSE mods function at all. I've delved through google for ideas, and not found anything more constructive than enabling Steam community. Any thoughts on the matter?



Also: mods without an esp or esm file do not seem to be working either, no matter what AII says. Any ideas on that?

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Did you put obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll and obse_steam_loader.dll into steamapps/common/oblivion? The readme provides full instructions on how to install OBSE for both the Steam version and the retail version.
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I got mine running by installing OBSE by its directions for Steam, using this link, Then downloaded the OBSE launcher here on the nexus.


Thanks. However, that didn't work for me (assuming you mean OCOL 2). I get a .NET error when I launch the loader, which I can ignore and the start window will still appear, but another error when I click 'Play' ('The program cannot find the file specified', but no indication of what said file might be). The patched loader itself doesn't work either. It just gives me an error. Hasn't this loader been made obsolete by changes to OBSE itself, anyway?



Did you put obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll and obse_steam_loader.dll into steamapps/common/oblivion? The readme provides full instructions on how to install OBSE for both the Steam version and the retail version.



Yes what Shaklee said and also with the Steam version of OBSE you DON'T run the OBSE Loader to start oblivion, you just run oblivion.exe as you normally would and OBSE kicks in simultaneously with Oblivion.


As I said previously, I triple checked that I'd followed the instructions correctly before posting here.

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