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crossdressing NPCs


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Well in your first post, you used the term transexual, and according to your definitions, that means you want your character to wish to have the opposite gender's body. If that's the case, then why not a female body with a penis. But then you said you want a male body in women's clothing. I'm not going to argue with that because that's not what you're looking for.


Sundress - also comes with a sunhat.

Some handbags

High heels - surprisingly it works with male human bodies and have no ankle seams

Hoop earrings - includes version for male and for orcs

long nails


While you're at it, why not give your character opposite gender animations as well.

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The character is an Orc Smith, light clothing, nothing dainty, "he" still grew up in an orc stronghold and has their culture ingrained. "He" married an imperial male fashion designer(think that shop in Solitude), so the clothing can be a bit more "elaborate" than what most orcs wear. Something akin to a Utility Kilt used for smithing but can also be used in casual events. The top would be something made of thick leather and light linen for smithing, but perhaps sewn in a way to emphasize feminine traits (as I said, "his" husband is a fashion designer so he could easily have made custom clothing for "him").


I feel like that was both a bit too specific and a bit too vague, sorry, :P

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What you want keeps on changing. I thought you wanted a man to wear women's clothing. Now it sounds like you want a gay man who wears men's clothing accented to be feminine. I don't understand what you're looking for.

1. didn't see your post when i posted.

2. Having clothing be feminine doesn't mean I want the character to be a drag queen. I just wanted stuff like the female version of Orc armor and clothing, without mesh-clipping.

3. I gave a more specific example because he made it sound like he was going to look for something specific. For the most part i was expecting to just use normal vanilla clothing and meshes, but the problem was that the clothing just looked wrong when it was all this normal male stuff

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The more specific you are about what your looking for the more likely someone will be able to help, when its something out of the "norm" (and I mean the general grizzly men and skimpy women) then its important to state what you want.


When I saw this thread I thought:

1. Either they want a anime dick girl, or a femboi.

2. They wanted the character to be wearing pretty dresses, or look like a silly joke.

3. It was most likely a Elf or Breton since they are the pretty races.


Turned out to be a Orc, with some feminine traits but not full out drag. Important to be specific lol.

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There are a couple "kilts" floating around:






You could try the shaman robe in this one if you remove some of the random stuff on it:




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Hmm, the shaman robe seems useful. i'll see if adding some other features will improve it, but do you know how i can make it fit a more feminine frame when the character starts taking the surgery? I don't want mesh clippings to happen

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