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Booming Noise


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"Did you try a script effect silencer yet? There are a few on tesnexus. But here's one: http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=15677 "


I read the contents of this silencer by Duke Patrick, yet part of what he states as the purpose bothers me. "This mod eliminates the sounds and the colors lights (what I call fireworks) from the SCRIPT EFFECT class of magic."


I have some magic mods and would prefer to see what the author intended. Unless I am misunderstanding what he is writing, and he is referring to just glitching and not the actual presentation of a spell.


I have Talkie's newest version downloaded now, and he does recommend another silencer which I may try.


And we have at least a partial answer to this problem.

Some info for you:

The Script Effect magic effect (abbreviated SEFF) is a magic effect that you can add to a spell. All spells have one or more magic effects. For example, a fireball will have a fire damage effect, or a cold electrified fireball can have three effects: fire damage, shock damage, and cold damage. All magic effects have a bunch of different parameters: visual effects, associated sounds, icon, spell cost, etc.


By default, the script effect magic effect uses alteration visuals and sounds. Some mods may change these visuals and sounds for various reasons. Even non-magic mods might change them because sometimes it is extremely convenient to use the game's magic system to simulate mod concepts that may be too hard or computer-intensive to accomplish any other way.


So, some mods edit the script effect magic effect. If another mod uses this magic effect it will get the edited visuals and sounds.

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There are a number of mods that require a script silencer mod. One that I have, and always use, is a mod which makes it so that my magical weapons slowly recharge themselves. It comes packaged with a script silencer so that you don't get that 'boom' noise every five seconds.


Unfortunately, I don't know much about CM, as I've heard that it has issues with Deadly Reflex, which I can't live without now that I've edited out NPC dodging behavior.


It would probably be a good idea to reread the documentation of the mods that you are running to see if any of them list a script silencer as a requirement. You could also try disabling CM to see if the issue goes away. You could try running CM alongside a script silencer and testing out some of that magic to make sure it looks ok. Posting your load order would also be extremely helpful.


Yes another mod that I have as yet to use, but requires a script silencer, is Enlightenment. The only drawback of using a script silencer - or at least this one - is that the CM partners are effected with the 8 seconds of silence instead of just saying what they have to say.


My conflict is not with CM partners though, but with Companion Share Rrecruit. Loading the newest version and putting it last in the load order yields slightly better results. The Noise only happens with the Support Mode is activated. Unfortunately the support mode is one of the main perks of the mod. As of now I have it deactivated and will probably not use it.


Hmm....I do have Enlightenment activated but have the script silencer uninstalled. Wow could it be that simple? I'll try deactivating Enlightenment and see if that does the trick. Thanks for the suggestion.



""Ok, are you running Lycanthrope by any chance?""


I am not running Lycanthrope, but thank you for showing interest in the problem.



Sir Candi

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Well unfortunately deactivating Enlightenment did nothing. With companion/Share/Recruit loaded last, it still had the Noise whenever I entered support mode.


This is with one of Talkie's recruits or without one.


So this bug seems to be within this module itself, since I do not see how another mod could be conflicting with it when I load it last.


I'll try asking over on the forum that Talkie directed people with problems to. Although they haven't answered for many months, maybe someone else will know how to resolve this.




Sir Candi

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There's actually another way this can happen, even when loaded last. The sound could also be turned on at runtime through functions like SetMagicEffectCastingSound, SetMagicEffectBoltSound, SetMagicEffectHitSound and SetMagicEffectAreaSound within a different mod.


I have uploaded a Script Effect Silencer, which alters the sound indirectly at runtime and should fix your problem.

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