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Reduce gibbability (gibs)

Brazilian Joe

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I have just bought FO3GOTY on Steam (Quakecon 2010 promo), and one thing I found immediately annoying is that it is SO easy to gib the enemies using VATS.

Even if I am aiming at the head, I shouldn't behead every single foe I encounter. It happens more than 90% of the time ( I almost always aim at the head), even with that dinky start-game pistol.

This, in the end, detracts from the experience. Gibbing should be a satisfying, eye-popping, rare happening of damage overflow/critical hit, not the norm of every random death. Having it happen so often 'dulls out' the extremity of dismemberment joy. If it's rare, it fun to watch. If it is common, it wears out.


I have seen only a single mod to reduce the extra gibbing chance of the 'Bloody Mess' perk, but even without it gibbing is way too easy. What I am looking for is a change in the gibbing mechanics to have it happen less often.


I have found no mod for it, at least with 'gibs' on its name.


Is there a mod for that, or is anyone willing to do that?

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