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Day/Night Cycle


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Sorry if this isn't the right place for this topic! I'm making a mod and I would like the 'daylight' lights and light beams to toggle off at night, to simulate a day/night cycle indoors. I've seen it done in other mods, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to do it. The CS Wiki didn't reveal anything either. Help?
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What you need to do is give your special lights and light beams new form IDs so that they are added to the game in addition to the vanilla Oblivion items. Then you can put scripts on them. Your scripts would be sort of like:


 SCN AALights

Begin Gamemode
If Gamehour <= 6 || Gamehour >= 20

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Your problem there then seems to be that it's a static object. Try making an activator, placing it somewhere in that cell, and give it the script like David Brasher said. However, make sure to include references, instead of plain disables, e.g. Light1REF.disable.
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It works! I did the activator thing but set the beams to reference variables. I copied the hours from the ambient lights in the house (I just now noticed they had scripts of their own, convenient!) So now the beams are all synced with the lights and I am a very happy newbie. Thanks, guys!
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