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Possible Better Cities Conflict


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I'm using both Better Cities and Real Thirst COBL and I don't have wells popping out of walls... I think something else is the issue. About the only thing you're running that I'm not is OOO. Anybody know if that adds wells or moves anything around?


Wait,wait. You're running both COBL and Real Thirst but I don't see the COBL version of Real Thirst. Maybe that's the issue. There's an additional esp for COBL Real Thirst. I bet that esp is what prevents the wells in walls thing.

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About the only thing you're running that I'm not is OOO. Anybody know if that adds wells or moves anything around?


No, OOO does not add any wells, nor move anything around, except for inside certain quest caves and ruins, and a few Tamriel camp sites. Certainly not in the towns and cities.

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I'm using both Better Cities and Real Thirst COBL and I don't have wells popping out of walls... I think something else is the issue. About the only thing you're running that I'm not is OOO. Anybody know if that adds wells or moves anything around?


Wait,wait. You're running both COBL and Real Thirst but I don't see the COBL version of Real Thirst. Maybe that's the issue. There's an additional esp for COBL Real Thirst. I bet that esp is what prevents the wells in walls thing.


Bet that's it! Can you link me to this mod? I found something called "Real Thirst - COBL" but the description doesn't sound right--it says it requires both COBL and the original Real Thirst mod. Actually, this description doesn't make any sense to me at all...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been trying various solutions to this problem, but no matter how I re-arrange my load list and even though I've updated and patched all my mods to within an inch of my life, still getting odd wells in the middle of buildings.


Is there some version of Real Thirst that DOESN'T add any new wells? Or some other thirst mod that doesn't add new wells?

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