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Aquatic creatures/enemies?


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Is this a daft question for a game based on scarcity of water, but is there anything that can attack the player IN the water? Has anyone else seen Geckos swimming... It's a surprisingly nice animation with shades of Aliens 4 escape through the galley going on there.


And if there are how do you do navemesh and patrol patterns in water????


The idea is for a submerged and almost light-less) vault/dungeon where you discover too late there are things.. in the water with you. Not that keen on Mirelurks and would really like to use the Gecko anim.

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Short answer no, The Geckos seem happy enough in the water but it looks as if they have no 'attack options' when they aren't touching the ground. They follow you around and they are all over you the minute you step out.


So now we know how to prevent Gecko attacks.. Just get in the water...



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you navmesh exterior water like if it was land, you follow the "ground". But I don't think any actor or creature can attack on water


I tried navemeshing the ground - for want of anything better to try, and that works as far as it goes. But the sunken area I'm playing with has the elevator shafts set into the floor, the water is (will be) extremely murky and the whole set as dark as I can make it. If I can the creatures will spawn below you, in the shafts, that the player must swim over.. The shafts are funny things, almost like imposters that the 3rd person camera sees through, which is a shame 'cos bottomless holes disappearing into the darkness are intrinsically scary.


And I think Mirelurks can attack in the water... Seem to recall being chased around Rivet City bow section by the brutes. It's just a shame they are too absurd to be very frightening.


[Edit] This is for the Umbrella Corporation's Mojave facility from Res Evil Extinction - if anyone's interested :devil:

Edited by SayinNuthin
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And not only for the note of Cipscis. I'm replaying FO3 in these days, I'm in Point Lookout. I'm pretty sure I've never met a creature attacking in water. I sometimes have my "bait" (Amanda with a melee weapon...) going in the water, all the lurks surround her, noone attack her, they all stay in that position, swimming standing, and I shoot them down one by one. I feel the "combat in water" flag doesn't affect, I think it's there because it was there in Oblivion's CS

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