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Do you belive in UFO .


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A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object, which just means something in the sky that we can't figure out what it is. As for aliens, I do think there is another life form other than humans on earth. There must be, why would there be a whole infinate universe when only 1 planet has life? In the future, we will be able to travel to places much further away than we have ever gone b4, and hopefully we will find more life on a different planet.
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The one thing I say when I discus this with people is, and it works better at night, "Look at all those stars. Billions upon billions of suns in the universe. Some of them have got to support life, perhaps not life as we know it, but life all the same. We, as a species, would be pretty damned arrogant to stand here looking at all of those billions and billions of suns and say to ourselves, 'We are the only intelligent life in the universe'."
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Alien life exists, it simply couldnt not.


More planets exist than we have numbers to count them with. So if a man can survive a surgery with a 95% chance of dying, who is to say that every once in a while you'll get a planet that's had that psuedo miraculous 0.1% chance to evelove life succeed? Life is out there, the questions for me as an author of dystopian science fiction is to realisticaly portray how it may have evolved.


Life is out there, but what would it be like? creatures typicaly evolve to suit their environment. If it reproduces sexualy or similarly, has a complex DNA sequence, and experiences selective survival and reproduction then you can safely assume it will change to suit habitat.


So you can then say that you'd get some pretty funky aliens seeing as how diverse planets and moons are. Europa has livable undersea Black Smokers that may have some sort of xenobiological crab or fish like thing living on it. Anceledus could have life living on it's icy geiser cliffs. Titan(Triton?) may very well have some form of extreme cold methane ased creature-it certainly has enough methane and so forth.

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I believe in other life forms on other planets. Whether or not they're intelligent, I'm not so sure about. It's all possible.


Although, I don't believe they've come to this planet.


oh, and I think the Roswell thing was fake. It's just something to get tourists into that area.

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