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Sullindal Island [WIP]


Sullindal Island Polls  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we do concerning NPCs and Dialogue?

    • More NPCs (Less Dialogue)
    • More Dialogue (Less NPCs)

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I like it! When creating the shops, I recommend you look at Skyrim Radioactive to see how shops should look and feel.

I was going to take some aspects from that mod, but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. (I've seen a review of the mod, but no first hand experience.)


Funny thing is that I was working on the interiors of the shops before I read this. Any pointers for what I should do with the buildings? I was going to finish "The Summerset Goods" store tonight, so some good ideas would help.

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/231/5/0/writing_cicero_icon_by_roslynnsommers-d7v31jt.gifCicero loves feedback!

Edited by NightGuardX
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Well, first, what sort of style does the town of Lonewood have? Get that in your mind, and base your buildings off of that.

The town is supposed to be a peaceful town that has been without conflict for over 30 years.

I could make the town's interiors seem welcoming to the player while still keeping it interesting. That's an idea.

Or maybe you have a better one or perhaps an add-on to that?

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Something bad happened recently....

My computer recently had something spilled upon it and that gave it a really bad case of BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)

For about 2 hours I was sadden, but luckily I was able to fix this and well I had to reset it for it to work again...

All Progress made in the screenshots was lost and I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am working hard on restoring what was done.


Peace out and thanks for reading...

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/165/d/3/hohoho__hehehe__by_mistwolf98-d69006q.gif Cicero will have screenshots and more soon enough!

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I have completely rebuilt the entire land from scratch and made a "Skyrim: Radioactive" inspired Book Store.

Here are some screenshots of that new book store!






http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/165/d/3/hohoho__hehehe__by_mistwolf98-d69006q.gif Cicero Aproves of these screenshots!

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Question on the poll. Are the NPCs you speak of essential or protected? More dialog for dead NPCs would be wasted effort. Players seem to have a tendency to kill anything killable.

Majority of the NPCs that have lines are essential, but some of them aren't such as Beggars and Merchants.

Edited by NightGuardX
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