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Sullindal Island [WIP]


Sullindal Island Polls  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we do concerning NPCs and Dialogue?

    • More NPCs (Less Dialogue)
    • More Dialogue (Less NPCs)

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Amazing Update Coming at Ya!



Team Updates:

Vulon has joined the Team as Voice Actor for Jarkis Jadeshot and some other male characters.


Landscape and Town Updates:

The Town has been expanded and a couple of trees and flowers have been added.

I have also added the campsite, which will need some expanding in future updates.

I have added a new building to Lonewood which will hold the finest weapons and armors in all of Tamriel. (Okay not really... :tongue: )


Lore and Characters Updates:

I am working on adding descriptions and backstories for EVERY character in Lonewood. I will tell the glorious tale of my endeavors once I am finished!

I am writing a miniature book explaining the legend of Sabrien The Great which will be soon be finished after I am done with the the first item on my list.

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/231/5/0/writing_cicero_icon_by_roslynnsommers-d7v31jt.gifCicero approves off these messages!

Edited by NightGuardX
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Mournvale progress has started!

Rassgat has joined the team as a Voice Actor!


What we have done...

  • Added a new town called Mournvale with...
    • 3-4 Buildings.
    • 5-6 NPCs (Excluding Guards)
    • 2 Merchants

  • Added more to the Lone Wolves Camp
    • 2 More NPCs

  • Minor Tweaks to Lonewood

Take A Look..




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Sullindal Island Updates:

The whole island has been Revamped to be much, much better.

Some things that are affected by changing the landscape...

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/283/b/0/bullettlime_by_ginkgografix-d6pwjen.gif Terrain is much more natural and things doesn't look out-of-place.

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/283/b/0/bullettlime_by_ginkgografix-d6pwjen.gif More mountains and flora around the place.

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/283/b/0/bullettlime_by_ginkgografix-d6pwjen.gif The Island is now much bigger leaving room for bandit camps and dungeons.

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/283/b/0/bullettlime_by_ginkgografix-d6pwjen.gif Easier to travel around, and more pleasing to the eye.

Screenshots (and a Video) of it is below:



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Update 1/2:


Exciting News!

We have gotten many new things added to the mod that will be spread across this week.

Call this week Sullindal Week because we are pumping out updates every single day (Excluding Friday - Sunday of course. http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png )

A demo is coming sometime around Christmas, so prepare yourselves for the epic mod that is...

The Sullindal Island

Update 2/2:

Lots of landscaping was done today and many people bowed down before me as I created a small expansion to the island.

May you look at my screenshots and praise all of its glory.



Edited by NightGuardX
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