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WCIF: Fully-Voiced & Marrigable Male Followers?


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Sorry if this is the incorrect place for a WCIF thread, but it seemed to fit?

If not, feel free to summon a mod to move it or something akin to that.


Anyway, I've been looking hard for male followers like in the title... trouble is, the ones I do find I already have, aren't a marriage option (like Inigo), or are simply abandoned (like Atvir Dres).

I have An Altmer Intrigue and I LOVE Pelin and his whole quest... I also have Interesting NPCs and while I haven't explored everyone there, I'm sure I'll love the men.


However, the followers don't have to strictly have a quest for me to enjoy them... I just want them to have a personality and comment on the world and would like to talk to me, but have a marriage option. That's really all I ask for.


So, any suggestions?

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