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quick access crafting


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So, I find it tedious taking all my crafting items out of storage when I want to make something, then having to put it all back. There are some good auto sorting mods available, but they don't do what I want. Is it possible to link a ring and book, so you toss the book in a container with all your crafting stuff, then when you put the ring on, all the stuff in the container with the book is available in your inventory. Take off the ring and the items from the container leave your inventory.


More or less, putting stuff in the container with the book would just be a way of telling the script what types items to deal with.

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um, why not just use console commands to make your carry weight an infinite amount? because that's effectively what you are asking for. a loop hole to be able to carry as much as you want, wherever, and not be slowed down

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Well, the weight of the ring could be tied to the weight of items in the container, if it is a concern. I keep all my crafting stuff in a container near a forge. When I want to make something, I take the items out of the container, make what I need, then put everything I didn't use back in the container, so I'm not over weight. I was looking for a way of automating the process, to reduce the amount of 'r' and 'enter' needed. There are lots of autosort mods available, but what I was suggesting was a way of choosing to autosort into any container you wanted and to choose what got sorted into it.

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So this is feasible but I would like to make it feel a bit more like a magical artifact than a simple utility mod. I am thinking of a book with, say, ten pages. You can tear a page out and put it in a container, then you read an incantation from the book (i.e. cast a spell) and everything in the container with the book page is summoned to your inventory. Cast the spell again and the items return to the container.


I am actually considering making the spell a scroll that you tear out of the book. When all of the pages are used up the book disintegrates and you have to craft a new one. However that might just add needless tedium.

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