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Papyrus problem, find out source of magic effect (potion?)


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Hi guys, I recently got into modding and now try to make my first proper mod.


What I basically want to do when the mod is triggered is taper all potion effects so they run longer.

I am using a magiceffect already to poll for the triggering (Using the Wait Menu).

So after having figured out how to trigger this at the appropriate time, there are two things my google skills haven't revealed to me yet:

1. Is there a way to get a list of the currently active Magic Effects?


2. Can I check if the source of the Magic Effect is a potion?


I would like to do it with these two steps, so I get maximum combatibillity and low performance impact, because my script is only run at very specific times.

But so far I've only figured out how to access the magic effects of a potion/spell/whatever, not on actors.

Is the check for potion as the source maybe doable with keywords?


I'm wondering if there is an easier method, because the ingame magic menu already has a list providing the sources.


If all that is not possible I'd have to somehow track the user consuming a potion while my magiceffect is active.

Edited by golem09
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