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What is the function or use of the Usonianhome01int Template cell?


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EditorID: Usonianhome01int Template. - FormID: 02000DBA. - Name: Usonianhome01int Template.


The thing is I cloned the cell to begin work on a dungeon and failed to notice the GECKs charming habit, when you rename a copy of snapping the highlight back to the original cell not the new one.


Then I went to work, totally trashing the 'Usonianhome' and had done a mountain of work before the DOH! moment when I realized I was in the wrong cell! So I renamed my cell, unloaded my mod from the Geck, copied the original 'Usonianhome' set that up as an .esp on it's own. Reloaded my mods's .esp and the Uhome one copied the resource back into my mod and renamed that the Usonianhome01int Template.


Then... loaded the game and ran around the world looking into every home to see what or if I've messed anything up, and I can't find anything amiss.


I could go back to an earlier .esp but I'm a bit reluctant to throw away over twelve solid hours of work. It's just that I'm even more reluctant to make broad ranging changes to the base game - as everything I'm trying to do is outside the game.


SO can anyone please tell me what the Usonianhome01int Template actually does, where it's used so I can absolutely certain that I have fixed it and not bolloxed something fundamental.


And thanks for your patience.

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I would guess that Usonianhome01Int and Usonianhome02Int are templates that the developers duplicated, when they needed to create a new interior cell with the Usonianhome tileset. Notice how there are two variants and both of them contain only the bare essentials. As such they aren't used for anything and any change you make will have no effect anywhere else.


That doesn't mean using these cells are a good idea, necessarily. Can't you just copy everything into a new cell?

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Thank you, Ladez to the rescue.. Again.. As for copying them yes I have but no matter what I do it says it saves the new cell, then when I reopen the GECK or reload the data it has re-named it Usonianhome01int TemplateDUPLICATE00. Which implies that the Geck thinks it has another copy somewhere, no. If that's the case why doen't it say so when I rename U..home TemplateDUP..00 to U..home Template?


I've tried messing with the EditorID, the FormID and I can't get 'a' cell back the way it was. But I've been all over the wasteland by now looking into every house that looks as if it might use this an I can't see anything wrong...


That'll teach me not to neglect saving a separate copy of the .esp won't it.

Edited by SayinNuthin
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