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Kurese's Dancer Clothes mod


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I have a question about this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19974# Most items from extra item mods usually automatically appear in your inventory, or the creator tells you where to find it in-game, and you go and get it from there. This seems to provide neither. Which location is this armor located? Or were they supposed to appear in my inventory automatically and I somehow simply installed it wrong?
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By chest, do you mean that one with the really hard lock? And that has a guard standing right next to it and catch you doing it if you try? Or is there another chest somewhere? Does it require arena faction reputation? And yes, I confirmed that the dancers clothes.esp file was in my Oblivion data files.
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There are two chests, one with clothing, the other with armor.


If you stand facing the entrance to the arena, the chests are to your left on the long low wall that borders the pond.


They are sitting right next to each other out in the open on top of the wall. They are not locked and not owned by anybody.

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Thank you, kind sir. Now regarding this issue, I just have 1 more very important question. When browsing the preview pics of this mod, the reason I wanted to get this mod was because of this user-uploaded image by viva366: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/19974-1-1260356102.png However, when I browsed the dancer outfits, I found no flat chest one. Is there another mod to this mod? Or should I try PMing viva366?
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From what I can tell, the A-Cup version is in there somewhere; you just have to sort through and find the one you are looking for. I think that the items ending in "L" are for large; the ones that do not have an "L" at the end are smaller. And, probably the items labled clothing "Dancer's clothes Blue Up".


And FYI, no other mod could affect these; Oblivion does not work like that.


Any wearable item is assigned a "slot" i.e. body part, such as hands, feet, lower body, upper body. The wearable item literally replaces the base actor model with it's own. So, whatever the creator of the item included appears when you put the item no, no more, no less, and no other mod can change that.


When mods say "Body Replacer XYZ is required" technically, that's not what they really mean. What really happens, is that, for instance, if you had an incompatible body type and put on the Dancer's top, there will be a sizable gap between the waist and hips. Some combinations are worse than others. But, as long as you always wear both the top and bottom at the same time, you're fine.



Sorry, when talking about body replacers, I forgot about the textures. The textures on some body mods do not map properly when used on other body mods, and you can get some really strange, really ugly things happening.

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