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weird head morph


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Hi, I recently tried getting the X-men Origins pack (http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1550) so that I could have the Psylocke preset as my new character. However since I don't get anything besides armor mods all that often, I wasn't sure which of the supplemental "cosmetics" mods listed were the ones I need to only get Psylocke working so I got them all. Once I installed all of these everything seemed to be working fine and it was until I turned DA:O off and back on this morning. Now the Psylocke character I used has no head and instead has Leliana's head from Leliana's Song floating above her shoulders a couple feet up.

Would anyone know what exactly I did wrong and how to fix it? Thanks.


EDIT: I've reinstalled all these mods and then used the DA CharGen Compiler or whatever to get them all working. I made a new character to test it and everything at the char. creation screen works fine. My character then shows up in game just like I made her, I save and re-load the same character and once again the Leliana floating head is there.


This also doesn't only happen on custom hairstyles/faces. I made a default looking male soldier to test and it gives me the same result, in fact it was so ridiculous I should probably post it up.





Any help would be greatly appreciated

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If you are using DAO-Modmanager you can turn off Leliana's Song (uncheck it). Otherwise uninstall it. I ran into this when importing my character into Awakenings and it provided a quick fix for the issue.


There is most likely another mod that is reacting with LS and the 1.04 patch that is causing this but it would be hard to say what it might be.

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This also doesn't only happen on custom hairstyles/faces. I made a default looking male soldier to test and it gives me the same result, in fact it was so ridiculous I should probably post it up.



Awwwww, your Andro-Leli is sooooooo cute! Is s/he exportable into DA:A? That would really be something! :teehee:

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