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Well, I've heeard both Skyrim and Summerset Isles... You can never be sure bout it mate, since It's all just rumors.
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Im Thinking All the Areas at once. Think about it. Technology has come along way right?


So think Oblivion, but with Cyrodiil, Black Marsh, Summerset, Elsweyr, Skyrim etc all in one go!


Sure its easy to create DLCs and the like and thats what I think they intend to do too.


Worked with Fallout, so why not TES V. Im not trying to say make TES V like Fallout and its DLCS but....


Ok I think I am but I think I mean that Beth could be making a Whole Continent based on the known Lands. Be a hell of a task but the technology is easily available and they can afford it, even more so if New Vegas proves as popular as Fallout 3 did when released.


Ok I think I got my View across.... for what its worth anyway.

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If Bethesda makes TES V an MMO I would take the next plane to America, and kick those... Grrr! They cant seriously be thinking about it, what's about the site elderscrollsonline.com? It cant be... No no no, I dont know what to think now, some say it's gonna be released in 2010(here and here) if that's so, it might be an MMO... Why dont they give us something solid? This sucks :(
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My apologies for possible language mistakes, I haven't typed some proper english during the summertime, a man can forget bits and pieces.


As for this teaser-

Splendid news, indeed! :thumbsup:


Oblivion is a book itself, but I think Bethesda will go over the limits with the next series.


And I think that the modding community of Elder Scrolls will have the biggest credit for the next game improvement as a stand alone, it were these people here and on the other sites who extended and polished Oblivion almost to the maximum with fresh ideas and many fixes for the missing things and bugs from Oblivion. :thumbsup:


I hope that they played through many great mods from here and saw how far this style of the game can be brought! :biggrin:


What are my hopes?


Well, I hope that I will see some mounted combat, all the provinces together on the map, fully explorable and quest connected , more armors, more weapons, developed characters with more accuracy and higher population, long quests, deep stories, I want to ride for an hour and half in game from Abecean beaches to Skyrim, I wanna sail for hours to Summerset Isles, I want trubadures and music, tavern wenches camping undere the night sky, strugling with mobs and bandits, spooky graveyards, lots of treasures and a heart of some princess to conquer! :smile:


And of course....


Large battles possibility and to comand some armies maybe, as the game advances!


I wish the best of luck to Bethesda in this project and I can't wait to see some teaser! ;)


Best wishes and good luck in current or future projects to the family of TesNexus modding and gamer community! :biggrin:




Darius :teehee:

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100th Post ^^


What I expect is it NOT being an MMO.... God, I know me and you aint so close, but but the Sake of gaming...


Second, I wish that Bethesda gave a damn, like even a small glimpse like "I Noticed" to all the fans who ask, all the modders who try hard, who made Oblivion and Morrowind a thousand times better game, a small attention, asking them for some idea or a helping hand... It's like they are some High Born High School Queen and the Nexus and other Mod Communities and Fan Sites some Nerds who want to date her. For christs sake, most of these modders did a better job than Bethesda without any of their recourses and still...


Well I dont know, just hope the game is something real and solid.

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