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What I expect is it NOT being an MMO.... God, I know me and you aint so close, but but the Sake of gaming...


Second, I wish that Bethesda gave a damn, like even a small glimpse like "I Noticed" to all the fans who ask, all the modders who try hard, who made Oblivion and Morrowind a thousand times better game, a small attention, asking them for some idea or a helping hand... It's like they are some High Born High School Queen and the Nexus and other Mod Communities and Fan Sites some Nerds who want to date her. For christs sake, most of these modders did a better job than Bethesda without any of their recourses and still...


Well I dont know, just hope the game is something real and solid.




If the company paid any attention to the community at all they'd realize that most of us don't really care about the Fallout series and we just want another Elder Scrolls. Sometimes I wonder if they do pay attention, but ignore it. If Bethesda wants to make profit, they should really listen to what most of us have to say. They should also stop teasing us and just outright say what they're working on. I don't feel like spending two years wondering what's going to happen. I've been disappointed way too many times by video game companies that let people think a great sequel was coming out and instead released some new thing that nobody really cared about, acting like people should be totally psyched for it. The disappointment is wearing on me.


That being said, two years ago they said to expect another Elder Scrolls in 2010, and now after a very disappointing E3 they're discussing a new game that's "very close" to completion. If it's not the elder scrolls, I'm going to be a very unhappy camper.

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If the company paid any attention to the community at all they'd realize that most of us don't really care about the Fallout series and we just want another Elder Scrolls. Sometimes I wonder if they do pay attention, but ignore it. If Bethesda wants to make profit, they should really listen to what most of us have to say. They should also stop teasing us and just outright say what they're working on. I don't feel like spending two years wondering what's going to happen. I've been disappointed way too many times by video game companies that let people think a great sequel was coming out and instead released some new thing that nobody really cared about, acting like people should be totally psyched for it. The disappointment is wearing on me.


That being said, two years ago they said to expect another Elder Scrolls in 2010, and now after a very disappointing E3 they're discussing a new game that's "very close" to completion. If it's not the elder scrolls, I'm going to be a very unhappy camper.


In keeping with my pessimistic attitude, I still fully expect and hope for them to announce Rogue Warrior 2.

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What I don't like is the prospect of the average 4 years taking to complete a game...meaning 2012!

4 years to complete a game is the average, this is true. So I wouldn't be surprised if they took even longer.

Look at The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, for example. They started development for this game in 2005, and it's not even coming out until mid 2011.

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