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eXcalibr munitions shop <!> icons


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when i get into the shop, all i see is a large number of <!> icon's blocking my visibility im not sure how to fix this. can someone help?




If this happens you need to download the xCalibr ammunition expansion found here http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11684. If it still happens and your using the file manager on FOMM try installing manually because Ive had some iccedents where it is not transfering the meshes and textures over.

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ok, you're right it is an excalibr ammo pack problem. my next problem is that everytime i try to reload it, i get an error message relating to crashdump

99% it's something ive done but if you have any ideas please help


thank you...very very much

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I have the same problem with the excalibr munition shop, but I loaded it from FOMM' first automatic then manually with the ammo pack 2.2 and latest updates but I still have the same errors coming. Some meshes and texture from the excalibr from weapons meshes and recticle scopes to the meshes at the shops location are not loading. Simple example is my favorite weapon the HK 416 Big Brother+, the texture are automaticaly reseting themselves (changing everytime I move) as well as the reticle of the scope who receives an error icon (the famous <!>). Suggestions.
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if you have eXcal muni. esps active, turn them off. Book of Earache (eXcal univerese) contains the eXcal muni esps. the changing of the textures is because the game is tryin to call up a texture that isnt there, so more than likely FOMM didnt install it. best bet is to install them manually. the same goes for the ! in the scope. its tryin to call a mesh that isnt there
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