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Starcraft 2

Harabec Weathers

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I think that's an excellent change. You need to be able to do a lot with cheap grunts, and you CAN in SC2, it's taking a leaf from DOW2's book and making the grunts genuinely powerful fighters. A few marines can gun down a misused and unguarded BCs, and that's fair because only a true nob leaves their poor BCs alone and unprotected, and such a nob does NOT deserve to thus have an advantage as they're the inferior player.


The other fantastic new change is the added dificulty of beign the zerg. You cant just rush anymore. Thats suicide. Gone are the days when children could win by amassing enough marines or zerglings, Banelings take care of that so neatly. I took out a kiddie's whole army in three banies at a LAN recently., He actualy threw something at me, then started TRYING to punch me, he was so pissed off. Especialy because I had much logner arms and simply grabbed him and passed him, kicking, screaming, and swearing, to he security guy. it was ridiculous.


banelings are exploding zerg rollermines. They arent an instawin stratergy, but they are than enough to stomp flat a newbie's wannabe zergling rush. Like I said, I used three of the little blighters to erase 90 zerglings, and my god it was fun and funny.

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I myself was worried Id be burned out of Starcraft 2 before ever even playing it due to all the starcraft I played back in the day. So I took a chance with buying SC2. Visually its a real work of art too. Lol and Medics+Marines=win unless you get something to kill the medics energy supply. Those medics are sick lol
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i loved it, the ending was surpirsing, the game play was great, and the mercs were awsome
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  • 2 weeks later...
blizzard really know how to make unpredictable story,i'm suprised kerrigan transform back into human ( except her hair :sad: ) makes me wondering who will lead the swarm in its second expansion :rolleyes:
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I dont think she neccesarily DID turn back into a human.


If you look closely at the side of her skull in the final cutscene the cranial spines that replaced her hair are covering some still VERY zergformed skullular features, like rows of small spines and what appears to be a parasaite like the defilers use.


I wouldnt trust Kerrigan in the next game, I reckon she's going to be a sleeper-zerg. I'm with tychus-you cant come back from being THAT zerged without it leaving some permanent problems.

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Speaking of Zerg I did tonight win a game online in a method so utterly hilarious I wish i could post you the vid.


I made 288 Banelings and then Nydus'ed them into the enemy base in a constant stream, while playing "ride of the valkyries" over voice chat. god, I laughed for a week. It was insta win, because the poor terran noob tried to focusfire on the banies as they were coming on, because of that they melted his bunkers, his fortress, and all his buildings with 54 banelings left to take out the SCVs, my funniest. win. EVAR!

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And what's even funnier is that you played the Valkyrie song! I can actually picture that and laugh just from that.


Anyways, I haven't played this yet, so thanks for the spoilers guys :verymad: :tongue:


I was reading something about the campaigns having a timer to complete them? Is that true? I'm a min/max person when it comes to RTS's and that would sort of spoil the fun for me if that option was out.

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