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Battle Tactics


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I'm fairly new to oblivion, I've hit all the big quests but haven't really put much thought into the game other than to slaughter enemies as fast as possible and complete the quest.


My problem is that with my "I'm just gonna run in there and keep swingin' 'til the music changes" style, During companion quests I have a really hard time keeping anyone but me alive. This makes the dark brotherhood like me but for story purposes it sucks that everyone around me dies.


I have tried the following:

Try to kill everything before the NPC can get into trouble- Only works with the 2680 sword and even then it's 50/50 whether i kill the enemy or the NPC.


Raise my shield and try only to attack when I have a clear shot- Doesn't work, I end up chasing my group all over oblivion trying to get the baddies off of them.


Spam heal spells in an effort to keep them alive- works occasionally but when when the NPC's start doing the back and forth boogaloo I end up healing the wall or better yet the enemy.


Normally this doesn't bother me but after completing the main quest line and discovering that a certain would-be Orc Knight and a certain Noble's Son don't have to die, I have been wondering if there is any way other than the kill command to get a single sodier through kvatch. If anyone has any tips I would appreciate it, to be fair I haven't really ever levelled restoration so if stronger heals are the only way my next char will be a priest.

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I feel you, I always got so mad when the people I was escorting died on me, no matter how much I tried. The only way I had found back then to save their asses was by cheating: either giving myself a Resurrection spell so I could bring them back to life or making them spawn again through console commands.


But, I recently installed the mod "Unofficial Oblivion Patch" which seems to have fixed this sort of problem. For some reason, even during the siege of Kvatch, all the NPCs remained alive for all the duration of the quest, while they used to die as soon as I stepped into the city. :\ Try getting the Unofficial Patch and see if it solves anything.


And about killing them yourself, try paying a bit more attention. :P Flank or get behind the enemy, and instead of swinging your sword like crazy, attack with less frequency and only when you're pretty much sure you got a clear hit. If by some misterious reason the NPCs get against you because you hit them, remember that you can hit space while blocking to make friendly NPCs stop attacking you.


Good luck!

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To keep NPCs that must be escorted alive I tell them to stay here, then go ahead and clean out the next area, go back and tell them to follow. Repeat until out of danger. Works most of the time.


As for companions, they will constantly get in your line of fire and manage to get hit by accident. I found it best to leave them behind as decorations in my various homes.


As for Kvatch, most of the guards are supposed to die. It is a desperate last ditch type fight. You should have only one or two left at the end.


The game engine does not really allow for any tactics beyond a few companions who can be told to lay back and use ranged weapons or get in close and melee.

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