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The Big Finale...


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Before I begin my discussion, I should say this. I am going to discuss the final minutes of the game. I don't really plan on telling how to beat this or that, so this probably won't have any value for you except for destroying the surprise at the end if you haven't finished the main quest.







As those of us knew who did the main quest, Martin sacrifices himself to become an avatar of Akatosh. Has anyone considered how this makes the whole game pointless? We slaved for hours and hours to save the empire from darkness, only to plunge it into anarchy. The devs really should release an expansion, so a new emperor can be found, or a new age can be made. Tamriel triumphed, but at what cost? In a way, the phrase "cutting off your nose to spite your face" situation comes to mind. I hope to see an expansion, rather than wait 4 years for TES: V to resolve the matter (if it does).

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The Empire wasn't always there. The Dragonfire wasn't burning from time immemoriam. That story had a beginning (with Alessia and the convenant with Akatosh). It began when another story came to its end.


We are now at the end of the story. But its far from The End, because another drama will begin to unfold its leaves within this vacuum.


But all in all, I'm still on the eternal quest to collect enough Nirnoot so Sinderion can brew up the Grand Elixir. Greedy lil' Altmer... :glare:

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Was Camoran so bad?


He could wear the Amulet of Kings, he only seemed to worship Dagon as a way to get him into his rightful throne, and had he taken power, the empire might have been under an unfamiliar rule, but it would be a rule at all. Had Martin not existed, it's possible, from my view, that the empire could be in a better place than it is at the end of the game.

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Yeah, all that main quest time spent getting all that crap was a waste. Mehrunes Dagon comes anyway, so what's the point of getting the Amuelt of Kings? Why can't you just put an arrow in his back, take the Amulet of Kings, then Martin becomes the emporer, but before, lights the Dragonfires, huh? Then you don't have to waste all that time getting a daedric artifact, then a divine artifact, then a great welkynd stone, then a great sigil stone. Jauffre would promote you to captain, Ocato gives you a shield as well as the armor, and all that. The main quest was already dumb, it's not like 4-5 quests will make it more dumb.

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The Empire wasn't always there. The Dragonfire wasn't burning from time immemoriam. That story had a beginning (with Alessia and the convenant with Akatosh). It began when another story came to its end.


We are now at the end of the story. But its far from The End, because another drama will begin to unfold its leaves within this vacuum.


But all in all, I'm still on the eternal quest to collect enough Nirnoot so Sinderion can brew up the Grand Elixir. Greedy lil' Altmer... :glare:


I think you missed the point. My point was that the main quest was to save the empire. Ultimately, our characters fail.


BTW, i know the story of St. Alessia using the amulet to seal off oblivion in order to deprive the Ayleids of their armies.

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I think you're failing to realize the significance of this. Since there is no longer any divine line, it allows the changing of an age. After whatever expansions happen, I imagine TES V to cover this part, or the more historical aspects. I would imagine a former prisoner being the main character in that one too, why break tradition?


Then naturally, the three of them would meet somewhere to discuss the state of imperial prisons and how they seem to be the best place to find would-be heroes. Ok, going too much off topic, going to leave now.

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Yeah, all that main quest time spent getting all that crap was a waste. Mehrunes Dagon comes anyway, so what's the point of getting the Amuelt of Kings? Why can't you just put an arrow in his back, take the Amulet of Kings, then Martin becomes the emporer, but before, lights the Dragonfires, huh? Then you don't have to waste all that time getting a daedric artifact, then a divine artifact, then a great welkynd stone, then a great sigil stone. Jauffre would promote you to captain, Ocato gives you a shield as well as the armor, and all that. The main quest was already dumb, it's not like 4-5 quests will make it more dumb.

Helloooo— without the Amulet of Kings, the best Martin could do was wave his hands around and do his best Richard Sharpe impression.

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Yeah, all that main quest time spent getting all that crap was a waste. Mehrunes Dagon comes anyway, so what's the point of getting the Amuelt of Kings? Why can't you just put an arrow in his back, take the Amulet of Kings, then Martin becomes the emporer, but before, lights the Dragonfires, huh? Then you don't have to waste all that time getting a daedric artifact, then a divine artifact, then a great welkynd stone, then a great sigil stone. Jauffre would promote you to captain, Ocato gives you a shield as well as the armor, and all that. The main quest was already dumb, it's not like 4-5 quests will make it more dumb.

Helloooo— without the Amulet of Kings, the best Martin could do was wave his hands around and do his best Richard Sharpe impression.






Uhhhhh... I said GET THE AMULET, didn't I? Then he lights the Dragonfires, then he's the emporer, so you don't have to waste a perfectly good daedric artifact for that one quest.

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The Empire wasn't always there. The Dragonfire wasn't burning from time immemoriam. That story had a beginning (with Alessia and the convenant with Akatosh). It began when another story came to its end.


We are now at the end of the story. But its far from The End, because another drama will begin to unfold its leaves within this vacuum.


But all in all, I'm still on the eternal quest to collect enough Nirnoot so Sinderion can brew up the Grand Elixir. Greedy lil' Altmer... :glare:


I think you missed the point. My point was that the main quest was to save the empire. Ultimately, our characters fail.


BTW, i know the story of St. Alessia using the amulet to seal off oblivion in order to deprive the Ayleids of their armies.

Our character does not fail! The empire was saved from being conquered by Mehrunes Dagon! Just because there is no emporer does not mean we fail. The Elder Council with Chancellor Ocato can handle the ruling. The only reason we needed an Emperor was to light the Dragonfires to protect Tameriel from Oblivion. But somehow, Martin doing his dragon thing and defeating Mehrunes protects from Oblivion, so the Dragonfires are no longer needed. I don't know where you're getting the idea we failed.

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