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Undone Quests marked as done


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I finished the main-game, operation anchorage and point lookout. I also installed the other 2 expansions, and the exem body mod as only mod.

And now the quests "Death from above" and "You gotta shoot em in the head" are marked as done. But I didn't finish this quests.


Before finishing "Finding Garden Eden" the quests were still to do.


Is there something to type in console to reactivate the quests?


Here is a screenshot. Up "Death from above", Down "You gotta shoot em in the head".

Last advice at "Death from above" says: report to lyons.





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Picking up the Winterized T-51B armor after completion of Operation:Anchorage can cause You Gotta Shoot 'Em In The Head to auto-complete. As for Death From Above, have you tried talking to Elder Lyons about it?


List of Quest IDs here


resetquest <insert quest id here> will reset a quest

setstage <insert quest id here> <insert quest objective level here> will set you to a certain stage in a quest

sqs <insert quest id here> lists all objective levels in a quest so you can find which level you need to use with setstage

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