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Fook2 1.1 beta not unlocking DLC missions


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Hello there


We are having problems with the new version of Fook 2. When we leave the vault i am not getting a message about Point Lookout being unlocked or the other ones. Anyone else having this problem. We deleted all the Fook 1 plugins before updating .

Please help

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Latest FOOK2 has delays in DLC launching to improve immersion - you won't see the DLC until you get closer to it (e.g. head over to Arlington Library and start towards the river and you should get notification).

BOS should be the same after closing slides on the end game you should wake up in the Citadel.


If not double and triple check your FOOK2 installation and make sure you are indeed running the latest patches, along with a merge patch and all the other usuals (e.g. load order, compatible mods, etc).

You still got problems after that it probably be faster to get an answer on the FOOK2 forums.



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