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Join a daedric cult


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I think it could be neat if you could join a cult of one Daedra or another to receive new stuff and maybe take on some new radiant questlines and such. I'm no modder so I don't really know what can and cannot be done, I just think it would be neat to have this whole shadow war thing going on. For example, I play a Dagon worshipper (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5942/?) so naturally I destroy vampires wherever I see them, since they're usually servants of Molag Bal. So I think it would be neat if your character could join a cult and do missions and stuff.


some stuff I think would be neat:


-Cultist NPC gets split into groups (Nocturne worshippers, Hermaeus Mora worshippers, ect)


-cult raids on other cults


-missions to kidnap people for recruiting/sacrificing


-fancy rewards and stuff, of course


-more daedric monsters


-new followers unique to the cult (Dagon= dremora follower, Sheogorath= Golden Saint/Dark Seducer, Meridia= Aurorans, ect).


-sneaky missions to poison people and other nefarious deeds


-Fellow cultists of your prince won't attack you


So yeah I think it would be neat if there was a mod like that.

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I don't think followers of Dagon would devote their time to killing vampires but your idea sounds solid.

K thanks for the input. And he hasn't devoted his life to it, he just does it when he gets the chance, because, y'know, bitter rivalry between Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon.

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nice, this guy here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59932/? made a cleric mod, he was planning to add cultists and daedra related skills and spell on future updates,

That's actually really neat, but no what I'm looking for. He's focusing on perks, spells, and stuff like that, and I am more interested in followers and quests; more action-oriented stuff, basically.

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