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Can I Store Stuff In Any Public Box/chest Etc?


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I suspect that all chests that are "one-time" looting opportunities are safe to store things in. You know, those few treasure chests that do not re-fill once you take something out. For instance, Jauffre's chest in Weynon Priory that he unlocks for you when you deliver the Amulet.
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Last time I checked, any of the chests and containers in the Fighters or Mages Guild do not respawn and can be used to store items safely. This also applies to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary as well. However, most public crates and chests, including those in most dungeon crawls, respawn in 3 days gametime. If you wanted to change this, you would have to change the parameter for respawn time in the construction set.
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I'm sure i read somewhere in the forum that, some of the fighter guild chests respawn (someone was complaining about loosing stuff). Perhaps its the guild master chest when you become the boss.
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the counters in the mages guild don't respawn either at least the Skingrad one doesn't :D but u could just make a pile of items in the sewers. I've done that in the past and nobody steals it or anything. just watch your step if u step on the pile, things will go flying :dry:
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I lost some items through the game because respawning chests. For example Darkbrother Hood, Living Quarters chest, you can store items there until you complete the Purification Quest then the chest items respawn. Also (idk why) but some chests in my own houses respawn, it happened twice, once at the Leyawiin House and the other time in Skingrad. I didn't loose much but still... :glare:
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Well another solution is to keep everything with u. all ur weapons and armor on hand. and if u dont hav enuf room in ur inventory use the carry all u want mod. :D
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