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Timeless gaming moments. When everything just works.


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We've all felt it, those fantastic moments in great games where music, visual and gaemplay all just click together and produce a moment that just makes you think "wow".


It's funny, because sometimes it's the smallest things too. For example this morning I decided to take a cruise around paradose city in Burnout Paradise, the car I chose was the Carson Annihilator, a big brash 1970s muscle car with a 640 c.u.i. eith cylender engine so big it actualy needs a cut out in the panelling because the hood cant fit over it.


As the mighty 1100 horsepower drag racing engine thundered into simulated life, my custom sound track, which comes on with the engine, started belting out "wake the demon" at titanic DB, I chuckled, it was just perfect.


Anybody else got a moment or two like that to share?

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Portal was one such moment for me. Somehow, it all seemed to fit together; the design, the gameplay, the setting, it just worked somehow. The game itself felt very slim and tight and in a very good way. It's one of those games with a small production team and a rather tight budget, which might at first sound like a very poor recipe, but it seems they all sat down and asked themselves "This is our limitations. How do we use them to our advantage?". Also, with the game itself rather small and uncomplicated, they could polish and tweak it into that wonderful, simple shine. A small production team with limitations and skill is, in my experience, often better than having one gigantic studio working on a massive game with a preposterous budget and with a vocal fanbase to feed.

So to sum it up; Portal is a pleasant, simple game, clever puzzles, nice and subtle plotadvancement, very effective enviroment design and, of course, one of the best antagonists I've ever seen.


The future potential for Portal 2 on the other hand... Don't do it. It deserves better, Valve. :sad:

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I had a pretty awesome moment in Deus Ex in Maggie Chow's appartment.

Guards are coming in, I turn on speed enhancement, run for the big window overlooking the street, shoot it as I reach it and leap through. I end up on a ledge at a different appartment on the opposite side of the street, break the glass there too and go inside.


Safe. And I didn't even have to kill anybody. :P


And then a few minutes later it even turns out to be my helicopter pilot's house, of all places!


Of course, because Deus Ex is awesome like that, letting Maggie Chow live resulted in having another confrontation with her later on in the storyline.


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