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[WIP] Immersive Horses


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I've been busy guys, but I'm makin' the rounds.


Will do Ka3m0n - it's good to see you're still collecting up all these GEMS for us. :smile:


@dacush - Agreed, there will be no horse teleportation in Immersive Horses. You can whistle for one or more of them and/or have them follow you around. Your followers will not automatically call horses whenever you decide to mount yours. I've intentionally designed the mod to be as decoupled from the follower system as possible, which also makes it inherently compatible with any follower mod right off the bat. Horse ownership is shared among you and all of your followers, so your followers will simply mount any horses following you at the time (requires EFF or a similar follower mod). It's less 'convenient', but you have more options and it's certainly a lot more realistic.

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Horses in Skyrim are normally pretty useless. I ride when I feel like a scenic stroll through some interesting landscape. But riding in the wilderness can be fraught with difficulties, so we are mostly limited to cantering along the roads. But being able to have one or more followers ride with you could make it more interesting. Also, fighting on horseback would be great....as players level up, the hazards out there also level up. I can escape one cave bear, but when I meet 3 at a time I have to dismount. To me, that is of less importance, however.


Personally, what I want from my horse(s) is mostly for them to look beautiful and have nice tack. Vanilla Skyrim features neither. I use horses as display objecst...I like to have a prominent, big stable with nice horseflesh to rest my eyes on when I return home from a mission.

So the problem is that when I take a horse out to go somewhere, the others may or may not wander on back to the place tagged as their editor "home". So keeping more than one vanilla horse is impossible. And if you buy and ride a horse from another mod, your vanilla horse will leave for its town stable. What in the world is the logic in having my horse wander back to the seller if I lose it in the wilderness ?? It should at least go back to MY stable ! Horses acquired with the house-carl option in HearthFires do this, but again only 1 horse. What is really needed is the ability to easily "convert" any lawfully acquired horse to considering any home/stable of my choosing as their tagged "home". That way, the "PlayerHorseReturnHome" package would make all my stabled horses stay put even if their LastRiddenHorse flag is removed. If I own more than 1 playerhome, I could then keep horses at each location. And only the LastRiddenHorse to fast travel with me, or to stay home if I tell it to.


I am not a SkyUI fan and don't want lots of big unwieldy menus like in CH. Is it too much to ask for a simple way to set individual horses' designated home ? All the bells and whistles with followers and whatnot is of less importance and can be added by more "immersive" mod versions.

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Wow, really nice take on horses in Skyrim.


I hav to tag along with Ghia here, one of the big deal breakers is the fact that you cannot "park" horses. Fast travel somewhere and "BOOM" there is your horse. It is annoying as hell from an immersion standpoint... I don't *always* want to ride horses.


If someone else reads this who can mod I'd love a simple "My Stable is Your Stable" mod where you could tell a horse what his home is and to make it wait if necessary.

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Test out the BETA guys/gals! Most of what you want is already implemented there and I need people to test it and see how well it works with Hearthfire or on a save that used to have Convenient Horses. So far, only one other person besides myself has really given it a good trial. Nexus, I am disappoint. :|


@Ghia and Shivala - Agreed on vanilla horses being useless and needing a 'park' function. I've developed an entire horse management system specifically to combat this with options for follow/wait, inventory, stats, aggression, etc. Horses can now gallop faster than anything can run in Skyrim, so you can get away easily. Also, galloping or jumping a horse causes damage to enemies and will ragdoll or stagger them. You can also change the aggression and confidence of your horses, so you can have them fight with you or flee from battle. Mounted combat still sucks and there's still no mounted casting, but there's not much I can do about that. Followers will ride horses you own automatically if you have Extensible Follower Framework.



I am not a SkyUI fan and don't want lots of big unwieldy menus like in CH. Is it too much to ask for a simple way to set individual horses' designated home?

From me, a separate mod just to reassign a horse's home isn't going to happen, but I plan to add the feature into Immersive Horses. Currently, the mod lets you make any horse follow you, wait in place, or return (just added in 0.4 BETA) to its original location and you can have up to 100 horses (though I don't recommend it). The menus are simple and streamlined thanks to SkyUILib. You can also bind hotkeys (thanks to SkyUI) for most horse commands so you don't have to deal with menus. I assume SkyUI-Away still lets you access the MCMs, so there shouldn't be an issue there. Thanks to SKSE, SkyUI, SkyUILib and my own brilliance - the entire mod runs on less code than CH needs just to run its menu system. :D


The 'last ridden horse' functionality that forces the horse to appear when you fast travel seems to be hard coded somehow or is buried in the CK somewhere. GRRR. I'm probably going to to circumvent that completely and implement my own 'player's horse' functionality instead.


As far as the horses looking beautiful - KrittaKitty and nivea have that covered for us. Currently, I'm using KrittaKitty's horse textures with her permission and nivea is working on all sorts of tack for horses that should work nicely now that horses have accessible inventories and will equip items automatically just like followers do. I've already released a separate mod called Craftable Horse Barding which allows you to craft horse armor so you can add it to an Immersive Horse or any other mod that adds horses with inventories. That's on the BETA page as well.


Now go test them out and let me know what else needs to be added or fixed. :smile:

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Sevencardz : I have just patted myself on the back that I got many mods going and no save bloat and other malarkey. I am pretty new to Skyrim. I'd love to try this, but I really want to finish some questlines this time around... If I install this, is there a good chance things go haywire? I know you cannot rule anything out, but if I follow proper install / deinstall conventions, what are the odds?


Since I use MO this time around ...could I just make another profile?


And yeah... CH seems super heavy on the script, so it's cool that you mention your streamlined code :-) But Ill be superhappy to try otherwise within a fortnight.

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It's completely safe and designed to work on an existing save game - just don't save with it installed, or if you do, be sure to delete those saves after you uninstall. I absolutely recommend making a separate MO profile and that's a perfect reason to do it. MO will keep all of the saves separate for you automatically. I love MO.

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  On 2/26/2015 at 1:55 PM, eberkain said:

Everything sounds great, whats the situation with followers horses? That would be the one thing that has me keeping CH. What do you think about magic casting from horseback, that stray too far from what your plan was for the mod?

Followers can ride any horses you own if you have a follower mod like EFF. I don't know if it works for UFO or AFT, but it might if they have a similar feature. Basically, horse ownership is shared between the player and all followers via CurrentFollowerFaction.


  On 2/26/2015 at 3:24 PM, Matthiaswagg said:

(I mentioned it on Skyrimmods reddit to get you some more beta testing)


Is there a list of features I could find somewhere that I'm missing.

Thanks for the help. The most current list is in a readme file that comes with the mod download, but I guess I should make it more accessible for beta testers, so I'll add it to the description page on the next beta upload.


Beta Testing - Immersive Horses

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