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Pipboy Readius Problems.


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I'm having issues with my Pipboy Readius. after starting a new game with it running from the start, some functions on it refuse to work.


Specifically, the pipboy light and pipboy config menu do not work. (both should be accessed by B. pressing B turns on light, holding B brings up a menu).


In my past save game this worked perfectly, sometime between then and now it broke and I really don't know why.


any help would be appreciated. I tried all I knew what to do.


Edit: This is the file I'm talking about....if it helps. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12144

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Yes it is. I don't know what I did but it seems to have fixed itself. Thanks for the help regardless.


I think it had something to do with Removing the pipboy glove through a mod....That's my guess.

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