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Is it possible to remove map marker names?


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Just wondering... I know you can add tags or edit placeable markers, but is it possible to remove the names of existing vanilla map markers? Or change them? For instance, change "Fort Farragut" to just be "Fort Ruins" (because it's dumb that I somehow psychically know the name of the ancient ruins I've found in the wilderness). I can't find a mod that does anything like this and it would be a huge boon to immersionists, so if it hasn't been done I suspect that is because it's not possible to do. Does anyone happen to know?


And if it isn't possible to remove or edit the vanilla map markers... wouldn't it be possible to simply hide them altogether, and add new ones in the same places with the names you wanted? I KNOW you can edit the names of personally placed map markers. And I know you can add them. So... really all you'd need to do is hide every single vanilla map marker in the game, but show the personalized ones.


Hmmm. Hmm, hmmm. There has to be a reason no one has done this yet. What am I missing in my ignorance?

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It is technically easy to remove the names of map markers, change the names on them, or even completely remove them in the CS. The catch is that there are a great number of map markers, and it would take you many many hours of tedious dull repetitive work to get all of them changed or removed.


You would also need to take the names off of the interior cells in all these dungeons.


I suspect the audience for such a mod might be rather limited, because many quests tell you to go to certain places, and if there were no names anywhere, you might have a terrible time getting any quests completed.


Maybe a Cyrodiil map for gamers to print on their printers could come with the mod for if they absolutely needed to know the name of a place.


If you wanted to become a modder, this would be a really "easy" mod for you to make and upload. ("Easy" in that you would not need a lot of knowledge and could just perform a few actions over and over.)

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The tedium doesn't bother me -- the reward would be well worth it, for my own game, even if not a single other person ever downloaded the mod.


How do I go about editing map marker names in the CS? Wait, let me see if I can answer my own question... off to the CS Wiki. I'll be back if I still can't figure it out after a few hours of Google-fu!

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To edit a map marker's name, you can just double-click on the objects in the cell windows (To find them, the base for them is under Statics>MapMarker),then go to 'Marker Data' tab, then change or remove the name entirely. Repeat 400 times for all the markers in-game
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Hm, by the way, I had one idea long ago...

All vanilla map markers must be disabled. Modder should add a tablets to every ruin in game (Can you imagine it? *_*). When activated, script checks if player has a dictionary (I don't think these ancient places are named in Cyrodiilic). If it is so, nearest map marker unlocks.


Too bad it's too hard to implement.

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