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P.S.S, I'm still majorly disappointed and pissed that we can only play as a boring old human in DA2. :wallbash:

Speak for yourself, my human won't be boring! ;D


But she will be as old as I'm able to make her, (which I gather will not be very... :confused: )

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Grr don't care about lore, I want to play as a dwarf or an elf, or a qunari lady, screw humans! :down:


Think of it this way:


If you were a elf, dwarf or qunari you wouldn't get as much respect as a human does. If you do something bad, then the people think that you are advancing your people's interests and rest, as George would have said yadi-yadi-yada. Plus Hawke is for DA2 + expansion + DLC related to DA2 only, you would never going to play him/her again and I have the quote to prove it.


Mike Laidlaw:

12:25 [Youaremee]

Will Hawke now be the main protaganist throughout the series like Shepherd?


Nope! While hawke may have a continuing role in the series, I have always viewed Dragon Age as a series of games about the world, rather than about individual characters. Not to say Hawke isn't important, he is, but the world is really our focus.


So in DA3, we might be able to play as other races.

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I don't know exactly how large the Teyrns' plot of land, it could be that Loghain controls Lothering as part of his land allocated to him or the Cousland family has that area. I'm thinking in the way where the land is split up, so it could that Lothering falls under Loghain's overall rule but the land is given to the various Arls and Banns to take care of it. I don't know much to be sure about it.


Didn't realize you were speaking of land allocation but I always considered Lothering to be part of that no-man's land that is the Bannorn. Trouble is there is no lore to back up either of our assumptions in that regard but in any case we are splitting hairs. The name has been chosen and the die is cast; we are stuck with it like it or not.



Chick N. Hawke :laugh:

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Why do you people dont like human - if you ask me they are the most awesome uber race ever, you cant beat the human we are just too powerful, I like idea that in DA2 you will play only with human becouse we get respect we earned and who knows, maybe the developers made it that way becouse of a story that will be played - but it would be nice for other players to get a chance to play with other races if the want to, if that makes them to experience the game better :tongue:
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Apart from playing other species just to get the origins achievements I stick purely to a Human character... But hey when it comes to cross species like that I'm a racist (To hell with elves and dwarves and qunari). Also to be fair towards in earlier post.. Hawke is an Anglo-Saxon styled surname and Ferelden is based off of 12-13th century England. It's a far more believable surname than Therein (snickers at purposeful misspelling). But anyways as long as the surnames of Gaelic or Welsh or Anglo-Saxon or Old English origin it fits perfectly.


The Teyrnir of Highever is loosely based off of Scotland/Ireland and such they present us with several Gaelic style named characters (Fergus, Ser Gilmore, Bryce). Gwaren is of course rather loosely based off of Wales. Which makes you assume since the Teyrnir of Denerim conquered them both (Calenhad was the Teyrn of Denerim) that it is based off of England(Anglo-Saxon).


As another little quip, who says Hawke is from Lothering in the first place? All anything has said about him is that he lived in Lothering during the Blight. Based off the fact that his sister is an apostate and the chance that he himself can be one as well. I wouldn't say that it's a far-fetched thought to say that he's moved around a bit.


Another person was mentioning something about Lothering as well. Namely who controls it per-say. Well from manner of speech from the Templar in the city you learn that when Logain was passing through, the Bann took most the troops along with him to Denerim. In the codex for Lothering it is also said that in the Exalted Age when Calenhad united Ferelden under him as King, he appointed Lothering to the South Reach Arling.


Oh to get back on topic, I believe I will be naming my character as Cadmon, Deacon or Landon

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