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True but the warden had tons of other titles that you can choose from as well, where as Hawke only has one that we know of. You know the only place I want to go is "The Donarks" beyond Anderfels. It sound like it belongs to the Qunari but I have a feeling that it doesn't even belong to them.
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I would like to see the rest of the map, the part west of the Hunterhorn Mountains and the Volca Sea. If Thedas is the whole continent our map is missing part of it.


Beyond the Korcari Wilds to the south is a frozen wasteland that only the Chasind Wilders have explored. There's also land further west but the Hunterhorn Mountains inhibit travel - as do the jungles of Donarks in the northwest. Par Vollen lies to the north, much closer to the equator.

It's in keeping with the times mate. Go back a couple thousand years in our own history and you'll find a much smaller map. Makes it more realistic to hide away the unexplored areas then to fill them in.

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I would like to see the rest of the map, the part west of the Hunterhorn Mountains and the Volca Sea. If Thedas is the whole continent our map is missing part of it.


Beyond the Korcari Wilds to the south is a frozen wasteland that only the Chasind Wilders have explored. There's also land further west but the Hunterhorn Mountains inhibit travel - as do the jungles of Donarks in the northwest. Par Vollen lies to the north, much closer to the equator.

It's in keeping with the times mate. Go back a couple thousand years in our own history and you'll find a much smaller map. Makes it more realistic to hide away the unexplored areas then to fill them in.


But it does absolutely nothing to satisfy my curiosity :whistling:

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I was a little interested on who was gonna name their Hawke Ethan

What would I name this person? A female could be Atlanta, Blacke, Sea, Sparrow, Star, Susan, Toma. Males could be Ethan, Goose, Hudson, Redd, Stringfellow, Tommy. Tony, War. Androgynous: Chicken


Been there, did that - would you like to buy a T-shirt?

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