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FWE destructible explosives


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I'm at Gold Ribbon Grocers, trying to make the goodies fall out of the ceiling hole. However, the gas leak igniting just detonates the mini-nukes and missiles and blows the whole place up. There used to be an option in the control panel to turn off Explosive Entries, but its since then undergone fairly major changes, and I can't find it anymore.


Is there any way to turn it off?

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I'm at Gold Ribbon Grocers, trying to make the goodies fall out of the ceiling hole. However, the gas leak igniting just detonates the mini-nukes and missiles and blows the whole place up. There used to be an option in the control panel to turn off Explosive Entries, but its since then undergone fairly major changes, and I can't find it anymore.


Is there any way to turn it off?


I think Explosive Entries just refers to the feature that allows you to blow open locks with explosives. Maybe you have a mod that is adding destruction data to the missiles and mini nuke in the ceiling, causing them to detonate instead of dropping? I know the Destruction mod adds destruction data to missiles and mini nukes (among many other things.) Some other mods may as well. For what it's worth, I use FWE (but no mods adding destruction data) and it took me about 6 or so tries to get the 'Rube Goldberg machine' to work properly. It would usually mess up at the pitching machine part. No exploding missiles or mini nukes, though.

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