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error "oblivion.exe has stopped working"


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i get a message that says "oblivion exe has stopped working" every time i start it up. ive played this game before on my computer before i did recently format my computer i dont know if it has anything to do with it. also my computer is vista. can someone please help me with this i really want to play this game


EDIT: i got it working i ran it with oldoblivion and worked perfectly


EDIT: help! i downloaded the 1.2 patch and it stopped working again

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Are you using any mods? What version? Do you have Shivering Isles? Where is it installed? As you say it ran before, did you install to a different location?


Go here to see if your computer can run the game (does not check for oldblivion, only the standard game)


You will find Oblivion listed as 'The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion

Fallout3 as Fallout3 PC



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If you check on that site I gave it will let you know if you can run the game - or almost any game. Oblivion is a resource hog and runs poorly on older computers, however many of them can be inexpensively upgraded to run much better. The 'Can You Run It' site will tell you where the weaknesses are and give us an idea on what can be done.


Oldblivion is a program that will allow Oblivion to run on older systems with graphics cards that are not supported. It will not make much difference if your problem is not one of the supported video cards. It's not new (2006) and has not been updated in quite a while. Here is the home page: http://www.oldblivion.com/index.php


The most common problem when a patch fails is using the wrong patch. If you do not have SI, do not use the SI patch, only use the oblivion only patch with this version number v1.2.0146. If you have installed the SI patch, or a patch for a different language version, you must reinstall the game before using the right patch as patches are not reversible. Don't download from a torrent as you don't know what you are really getting - Go here for the free official patches: http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm

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