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Armageddon: Before the Rift


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The captain laughed uproariously as Sifo returned to the deck, "Haha! That'll teach ye eh laddie? See how this 'ere ship works? I don't give a rats ass if'n ye help out when were just sailin' but when there's a storm or a fight ye best get yer ass in gear and step to!" The captain was beaming, looking up at the now calmed skies and the dazzling sunlight reflecting off the waters, it was as if the massive storm had never happened, however both he and his first mate were pale and clearly exhausted despites their efforts to hide the fact.


"We're only about an hour out from port, but I suggest all o' ye hit the hay for a wee bit, We'll be meetin' customs and probably ole' blood n' guts at the docks, an if'n that goes south we're all gonna need to cover our asses." The captain advised then went to his cabin where he pulled out a strange golden stopwatch and wound it then promptly went to sleep.


On board the crew pulled out flasks of alcohol to celebrate their small victory, a few hearty claps on the back were passed around and most everyone paid compliments to Soyo and Nynlata, but there was no overly rambunctiousness to it, no massive cheering, none of that, they had survived but they'd survived far worse and they knew that there was always a greater storm and a greater challenge.

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Takum arched his eyebrow at Shroud sky's explanation of the islands. "Oh really now? Well that's certainly new. I've heard rumors of some such places but has never actually been to one. Fascinating." He had heard all that he wanted when the dragon spoke of the nomadic people and ranger complex. Though he was rather irritated at the dragon's description of the Drakkar race. He waved his hand dismissively. "Yes yes yes I'm sure they're a rather hardy group of people." He said irritably. He never did care to hear about the strength of a group of people. "Do us a favor then. Point us in the direction of the nearest group of... humanoids.. and we'll be on our way." He spoke the word Humanoids in a rather disgusted tone of voice, Like the word itself was something vile.
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After the stream of attention started to lessen Nynlata streatched out from where she stood before sitting herself down on the floor. Resting her back on the railings, Nynlata folded her arms behind her head and closed her eyes after shortly muttering a, "Wake me up when we get there." Storm passed and immediate threat evaded Nynlata let out a sigh was fun while it lasted. she thought to herself as she took in the scene of the boat through other scences, mainly that of scent. Even noticing one she swore she haddn't smelt before aboard the ship. However, she figured that the newcomer would still be there when they docked. Soon after assessing the general safety of her current location Nynlata drifted off into a light doze.



Waru decided it was best for the time being to keep her thoughts to herself, mostly as the uttering of them might cause her unwanted and unneccisarry trouble.

Not being too thrilled with the thought of INTENTIONALLY wandering into a human camp or an area with larger groups of people that would usually be found deep within the woods or upstream Waru couldn't help but feel uneasy. It wasn't that she disdained the company or hated people in general it was more to the matter of it being against her code. In neverwinter, mearly showing herself was a violation of meddeling in the affairs of others.... an act of which she found could cause more trouble than good.

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venerable beast spoke in a mattter-of-fact way, "Well, you might try to be a little more humble around your fello humanoids. Yes you are a humanoid, bipedal, sentient, certainly not a diety, therefore a humanoid, as your water spirit friend can be classified, note that that is not human there's a distinct difference. If you don't mind philosophical and easily agitaed types then you'll find a clan of 7 Drakkar hunting mercurial deer about 7 kilometers northwest in the forest, of course both move extremely quick so that distance could easily increase to 20 kilometers. If you'd rather socialize with the more tangible-curious nomads 10 kilometers south you'll find their tents of Brika hide, those are giant 4 ton boar, with about two dozen of the fellows. Now if you have no more questions I'd like to get back to my den and catch up on my sleep." his gravelly yet melodious voice reverbrated.



The captain stepped out from his cabin onto the deck and relieved the helmsman as they neared the great, intimidating harbor of the infernal city of Saros. It was at thetip of he flame-haped islan where a semi-circular bay formed, at either end of the bay were two small islands, upon which stood immense black towers bristling with cannon, ballista, archers and pyromancers. The bay was lined with moorings that reached towards the center where ships docked for long stays, and some of the residents' crafts and other vessels that had passed customs checks and their crews were leaving the harbor sector were anchored. In the center of the entire bay was a giant ebon lighthouse that was as well defended as the outer towers if not more so, around the base of the tower was a small island where more docks extendd outward, merchants haggled, crews transported cargo, men and women in offical-looking black uniforms passed aboard ships inspecting cargos etc. It was here that the Mad Dog moored to be checked for customs. It became apparent to everyone that although her stateliness, stature and power were magnificent she was far from the largest, or grandest of the ships in Armageddon, next to it was a great warship with a ramming prow, five decks of oars and 7 immense square masts that would rival the size of a destroyer in our world. It had glistening gilt banisters and filligries as well as daunting black cannon, truelly it was a fearsome beast. Nearby private yachts that were smaller than the Mad Dog were adorned with all manner of metal and exotic lumber, someeven had gems studded into their cannon, doors and metal tackle pieces. The harbor showcased the most elegant and most fearsome ships in the realm, here the Mad Dog was inconspicuous amidst the hundreds of opulent vessels and rotting seatubs. As they pulled up a customs officer walked down the pier to greet them...

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Leonardo awoke with a start, he walked around a motionless body towards the deck of the ship, he could tell the ship had stopped and planned on thanking the captain for saving him. "They'll probably drop me off at this port...damn I'm still so hungry, I hope I can find a way to get some food at this place, first I better thank the captain for saving me and maybe find out where the hell I am" thought Leonardo.


He wandered onto the deck and asked a man where the captain was, he stopped tying up his ropes and pointed towards a tall man with long brown hair standing a little ways off.


Leonardo walked towards him and was about to call out when another man walked on board and motioned to the captain. Leo clicked his tongue in annoyance, "now I'll have to wait".

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The avariel priestess accepted the compliments graciously. She was used to it after all. After resting for a time, she got up and stretched, spreading her white feathered wings wide. As she stood with wings splayed out, a frown came over her. This place seemed to favor the element of fire, and its preference carried on the warm wind. She folded her wings back and relaxed her muscles. She would have to be cautious here.
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With the presence of the newest scent and the movement of the boat limited to a slight rocking motion Nynlata gathered that they had come to a halt. she opened one eye and gazed sleepily at the man with the captain. Not perceiving him as anyone of great interest Nynlata stretched herself before peering over the side of the ship into the dock, marveling at the boats stationed there wonder if any of them will be commandeerable....... she thought quietly to herself with a wolfish grin on her face before looking over at the rest of the city, the overall scent of it sent a comforting shiver down her spine. It was places like this she'd be able to fit into.
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The captain lead the customs officer below decks to the hold leaving the cook in charge on deck and the crew gathering their posessions for their trips ashore once they were cleared for proper docking. On the surface however, group of about a dozen dark figures with spined, black, lusterless armor and sinister looking blades walked in step towards a craft not entirely unlike the Mad Dog, however it was far smaller, a 2 masted ship with only one oa deck meant to be crewed by at most only 3 dozen people, and instea of the gold addornments it was silver. The ship was designed to cut through the water faster than any other and for transporting small amounts of VIPs. The man at the head of the group was over 6 feet tall, with long black hair that almost fell to his shoulders, his eyes were a deep crimson, the color of blood, his armor had a hood which he left down over his back, a black-silken mask was pulled below his chin so it wasn't obstructive, draped over the left side of his chest was a strip of fabric that cascaded over his shoulder down and stopped at his waist. On his back was a quiver filled with a few arrows, two sheathed scimitar-like swords and an unstrung bow, sheathed on his belt was a shortsword and a dagger with a pearl pommel stone. He turned his head casually towards the Mad Dog with disdain, he knew the ship well and wondered if it's captain had been meddling again. He climbed aboard the ship, "Make ready for Isla Chrunus." he said with a voice as dark as his appearance.


OOC: Characters in the Creed of Darkness this is your que for an intro *hint* *hint* *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

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