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The problem with democracy... ...It hasnt been very democratic lately.


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No such help hahaha.


I'm a political zealot.


As I see it, the problem here is that politics has become a game, a sport, not a council that guides and protects. We lie now at the mercy of inderpendant special interest men we elected because we had NO choice. If anything I think we need not a hung parliment, but a new parliment. The liberals just want to take down labour, labour have put aside everything they stood for so as to appeal to lib voters, Only the greens remain that which they used to be-a weak and powerless society of men and women with great ideas.. ...and no bravery to use them.


The problem with democracy as I see it right now is that you elect a man and he'll spend the entire term holding on to power and ensuring votes NEXT term. No policy is made, nothing, the nation stagnates around us! look at what the libarels, greens, inderpendants and labour have gotten us? a public health care system in ruins, an education system in ruins, and a damaged and unsustainable economy.


Gillard has absolutely no idea how to run a country, neither does abbot or brown. These people are our leaders, our elders, I am 19 years old and I know more about what is ailing the nation than they do,


We need a clean slate. To remove the fools and instate men and women who understand what must be done.


Leaving me to here now, are you? :tongue:


What we really need is a new approach to politics and political thinking. We also need more professional from other professions, such as tradies, teachers, scientists etc. When was the last time you saw your politicians' profession? They are all lawyers, or economist or people in the political movement. It seems to be the sad trend these days in western politics where as countries that are not as democratic as the rest of western nations such as China and Iran (yes, even Iran. Sad but true, the President was a transport engineer) have scientists, engineers and other professionals in parliament and are viewed with high esteem and praise. If government is suppose to represent all people, then more people should come from professions that actually have idea about Climate Change, water management, population, defense, and other portfolios in government. I support politicians who actually have an idea of what they are talking about, something with is a lost art from in the major parties.

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