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on mothership zeta


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to be able to hack a robot u need a robotic expert perk, i did those when i was around 15 - 20 and never faill, but that's me, i don't know bout other :)
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depends on whether you're using mods like mmm or not. I was level 31 or 32 and still managed to get overwhelmed sometimes. just way too much of those little jerks running around, some aliens even seem to eat bullets for breakfast if you know what I mean. so if you are playing with marts mutant mod activated, bring enough ammo and/or train your energy weapon skill since you'll find lots of alien weaponry over there.


and if you seek to make your zeta experience more memorable install the zeta crew mod.

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On Mothership Zeta, UHS-Hints recommends not starting the damn thing until about level 20 or so, and having a respectable score in Energy and Unarmed skills. Even then, expect those little green bastards to hand you your ass on a plate. A lot.


In the robot factory level, one of the aliens has a Drone Control Device which you can use to activate a stored robot and have it act as a friendly. It'll follow you around, shoot aliens and generally make a nuisance of itself.


As for the ship, I've got a speculation that... well, that's not the original crew. You're fighting a pack of degenerate clones.


See, this spacegoing scrap heap has been orbiting Earth for at least 600 years. And after all this time, the aliens have failed to learn even one human language, failed to even apparently recognise that humans are sentient beings, and are still farting around with vivisection. How is it this race can send a ship all this way, for all this time, and learn nothing?


Answer: the original, intelligent crew are dead. Killed when some of the clones they use as workers went bad and took over the ship.


End result: the clones, to the best of their limited ability, are still carrying out their instructions in a half-assed manner. It's just that they lack the intelligence to adapt and learn, or memory to phone home (or maybe they know what'll happen if they do.)


That's my thoughts anyway. It explains a heck of a lot about their behaviour.

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