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Far Cry

Mod/Compilation Request


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So not many ppl may be modding but im just starting to play FC3 again and here are a few things id like to see:


-wingsuit unlocked from beginning

-all weapons unlocked(not free)

-second island unlocked

-all crafting free or already unlocked(holsters, wallets, ammo packs, etc)

- max $$ wallet increased to 20,000 or more

- all gambling bets doubled or tripled so novice bet is like $250

-ammo carry restrictions increased

-all perks unlocked, not used, just unlocked so i can pick them

-hunting and gathering prices, raised a bit so i can sell a bunch of cassawary skins and get a bit of money



Thats all sorry if its alot, or if some cant be done, but thats what id like to see, if anyone can do this for me id be very greatful..thanks :)

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