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New to FNV Modding. Hella confused.


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So, I just got FNV, as in like 30 minutes ago now. I've heavily modded Skyrim, and I've already played the default game ages ago on my uncle's Xbox. Always wanted to play it myself on the PC, and I just got it. YAY~





I'm highly confused. What's this about the Activationinvalidation shiz? NOTHING is very clear on the matter, even the mod that's supposed to fix it or something. I have no idea what I'm doing. Is it even still required? I can't find the file it wants me to delete, and the application can't even find the _Default whatever.



That aside, what mods are important / highly recommended for a new Modded-FNV player? So far I have that Mjoave Delight stuff queued up in tabs waiting for me to sort my stuff out, because I find the game feeling... shallow, without improved character textures/meshes. Something to smooth the walking animations and stuff would be fantastic. What annoyed me the most when playing fallout 3 on the Xbox not too long ago was how the walking animations felt like... a crappy puppet master. Dunno if it's the same in FNV, been ages, but I would imagine it is.



Basically, what are the essential mods and knowledge needed for modding Fallout New Vegas~ ?

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If you use NMM, or FOMM it does it automatically. For certain textures mods, you need to tick and then untick to load new textures properly. You can do this by going into each program's menus.

Thers also the old school way which involves going into the data files, but I have never done it this way to tell you how.

To install a texture mod, download manually and follow install instructions, or install using a mod manager tool

Edited by rean2
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Any mod that includes assets - meshes or textures - that override the default vanilla assets from the .bsa archives, absolutely require you to use archive invalidation. For mods that add new assets you should be fine without. For the in-depth, technical explanation, refer to this section on the Elder Scrolls CS Wiki. It applies to New Vegas as well. The functionality is built right into all the mod managers that I know about, so don't use any of the stand-alone solutions. In FOMM you can find it in the Tools menu. Similarly, in NMM, you can find it by clicking the tools icon right next to the launch game button.


As for general advice, you can't really go wrong with some common sense when modding. It goes without saying that you should always thoroughly read the description of something before even considering to install it. Don't go completely nuts with mods right off the bat. Make sure your game actually works before you add mods on top of it and after that, start small and add mods in small batches.


I'm not much for recommending 'essentials,' since everyone prefers something different. What you will almost certainly end up needing at some point is NVSE, which has some very useful plugins that help with stability like NVAC and NVSR. Other than that, see for yourself what is available out there.

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I went completely nuts with mods my first time a couple days ago, I mean ballistic. Yet, have somehow managed to get it all working. All "manually," by just dragging and dropping all the needed files.


I think I prefer manual as the FOMM doesn't work for me on my macbook, and nexus isn't compatible with the macbook either.


I'm just glad to be modding my favorite game. I'll be a part of this community for a long time as I won't be putting any other games in this laptop.

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