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  1. 1. Which continent do you live on?

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I am from australia.


The nation where everything is rumored to have a venomous bite and the tourists are afraid that you have too.


But my family are fairly recent scottish expats.

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It's not true.


America has more venomous and poisonous creature than australia. More large carnivores too.


Look at it this way. In america you'd got the Tarantula Hawk Wasps-the world's second most painful sting on any insect or arthropod, The Brazilian Wandering Spidesr-the world's most deadly spider, black widows by the thousand-very deadly, recluse spiders-deadly, many species of very horrible and savage snakes, but also cougars, wolves, bears, aligators and rednecks with guns.


THATS dangerous wildife. We have pygmy wolfoid creatures the natives called Dingos, a few venomos snake species, and salt water crocodiles, which are slightly larger 'gators with more armour.


That's nothing. Seriously, you guys have T-Hawks for the gods' sakes, those alone would make me rethink my holiday plans!

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He remembered the rednecks, thank you. We will shoot you if you mess with us, or if we are drunk, or you mess with our girls (note, it his hillbillies who screw siblings, and white trash do it too, not rednecks) you know all them crime dramas where they say "oh they must have had military training, because they made that shot at such-and-such feet, BULL we rednecks can do that too.


Im from the U.S.A, born in North Carolina and proud of it!


dont forget the water moccasins!

Edited by monkybuttface
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I've never heard if a death linked to water moccasins.


But Steve Irwin was not killed on dry land. A whipray impaled him through the chest with a very large poisoned barb. And you can find those pretty much anywhere with warm shallow oceans.


And you'll have to forgive me but I really dont understand patriotism-or nationalism. As far as Im concerned we're all human till we start shooting at other humans simply for diagreements. Some people very easily stand up and go into a raving fervour about their homeland. I dont understand this. It's most common in america and europe-and in very small countries. So I often wonder if those patriots would be half as zealous had they been born in somalia, or cambodia.


I just can not empathise with it at all, this hyper possesiveness over a patch of rock you didnt even evolve on. Especialy when it's a puny rock. The one's I understand the least are nations like north korea. Pitifuly weak militarily, with an outdated military and a seemingly rather unreliable nueclear program as liekly to blow themselves up as us, but still constantly howling imposible threats and raving about their "undending might".


I feel absolutely no patriotism towards australia. I was born here, but I may not always live here. I only give out my loyalty to groups and people. And on the whole, though I live there, I feel little more than a vague contempt for australia is a nation and an organisation.


The only group I feel loyal to without any treatment or reason are my ancestors, out of respect them, and even then, that's something I've been taught, not developed naturaly.

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