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  1. 1. Which continent do you live on?

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I'm sorry if I offened you Monkey, I didnt mean to.


I have no problem with being proud of your country or your culture-it's this stupid idea of "Im from someplace-ia so Im better than you" that gets so many people killed. I've had a lot of trouble from racial tensions in my life-I hate ultranationalism for that.

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I'm sorry if I offened you Monkey, I didnt mean to.


I have no problem with being proud of your country or your culture-it's this stupid idea of "Im from someplace-ia so Im better than you" that gets so many people killed. I've had a lot of trouble from racial tensions in my life-I hate ultranationalism for that.

i agree witht he racial stuff

i dont get why some people say im racist when i refer to someone as "the black guy that didnt have a shirt on" its not racist, its a physical characteristic i used to identify the person that rammed into me to try to start a mosh pit (i dont like moshing)

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Canada has only 2 venomous beasties at least native.... Black widow.. but they RARELY cause death. the bite is hideously painful but unless you allow one to bite repeatedly it can not inject in a single bite enough to kill. Only a total idiot... or someone VERY unlucky would take multiple bites. The Massasauga or Prairie Rattlesnake. No known deaths in recorded history from this little blighter... the bite is nasty and can result in painful swelling and discoloration. untreated can also result in dangerous muscle necrosis. but it is a slow acting venom ...almost water in comparison to the Western Diamondback. North America however has no truly DEADLY snakes other than the Water Moccasin and Copperhead... only aggressive species here... Australia has less venomous snakes... but they are QUITE aggressive and deadly poisonous. The few deadly AND aggressive species in North America are native to very remote areas with minimal human presence.

Spiders and Scorpions however..... I'll not deny N.A. has a LOT!!!!! most are not deadly.... but MANY are dangerously venomous. The Brown Recluse is dangerous not deadly..... but very dangerous. it's aggressive and territorial ,Oddly....... their bite has been responsible when left untreated for serious life threatening complications. the bite is mildly painful and often ignored. left untreated however it can develop into Necrotizing Fasciitis. A rare but possible complication.... one that can kill in very short order. My favorite is the Wolf Spider fearsomely aggressive poisonous but considered no more dangerous than a wasp sting VERY unpleasant nonetheless ....Tarantula like appearance if diminutive in comparative size . and an attitude of it being 3 times bigger.


One time My brother was bitten by a spider and he had to be rushed to the hospital because the venom was going up his arm, we have no idea what spider bit him, but there are only a few spiders that byte that deadly??.


He's pretty close to my age, a year off, and it was a scary moment indeed, happened 3 years ago.

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I dont think you're old enough or have the right experience to really know what I mean Calliton.


It's diferent in america, you've got much more stark visual diferences that pick out where someone is from, and a lot of your white guys are english decended.


Here, white guys are often racist against other white guys. Hell, I saw a kid get beaten up once just for being irish and of the "wrong" religion by a bunch of white english thugs.


Though I'm more offended that nobody seems to give a stuff about my nice links. Im the only poster here with shiney bauble links to underscore points and I dont even get credit or fame for the good work I do anonymously!


...either that or (beautifuly done) pictures of snakes and spiders scare people, something else I really cant understand.

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What was the topic again?

Thought we'd show the flag of our random homeland and not the banner of our incompatible characters



Have a mazel tov


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What was the topic again?

Thought we'd show the flag of our random homeland and not the banner of our incompatible characters



Have a mazel tov



lol! be nice,,,

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Hmmm as far as I know on my property we have a fair few dangerous snakes, we have the red-bellied black snake, the tiger snake, copperhead and black snakes. I've seen more than a few stupid dogs die for sniffing them.


As far as spiders go we have the huntsman which, apart from being large, hairy and scary looking isn't vicious.


I think the rumors of Australia's dangerous wildlife is concerning our marine life, which is filled with sharks and bluebottles and whatnot.

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I know it's nasty, I was just trying to put across that the usual stereotype of everything being venomous is just that, a stereotype-we have some nasty critters, africa has more all up, probably Botswana in particular.
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