Guest deleted2159825 Posted August 23, 2010 Share Posted August 23, 2010 I'm a relative newcomer to Oblivion and the nexus, and I'd first like to applaud the outstanding mods that are posted here. I have very limited modding experience (Fallout 3), but I can assist in writing, editing, quests, ai packages, characters, and level design (my primary weakness is scripting) if anyone would like to take up this idea. With that said, on with my proposed mod: I'd like to see a small, mediterranean-themed island (like Anvil) under constant siege by some nefarious invaders (as lore-friendly as possible). The player should be prompted to take up the cause with a knightly order equivalent to the Knights Hospitaller (Knights of [insert benevolent deity], e.g. "Knights of St. Alessia") and assist with relief efforts for the besieged defenders and denizens. While the island could host miscellaneous characters (friends, foes, traitors, lovers, etc.), the core theme of the mod would be repeatable "slash-n-bash" quests along with a main series of more nuanced missions. I enjoy playing as a crusading knight, and I'm certain others share my predilection for spirited carnage and holy retribution on heathens (especially vampires). The Bartholm mod (a good mod, voice acting notwithstanding) featured a repeatable quest to oppose invading dunmers on the island worldspace, but it never achieved the sense of "siege" that I'm aiming for. I'm largely unread on TES lore, so I'm also requesting lore-friendly ideas that could fit in the island siege proposal, especially in regards to the invading force. If all else fails, we can always use demons or zombies as antagonists (or perhaps demons AND zombies?). I've never created worldspaces, so if you're experienced in sculpting new lands, I would love to get your input or assistance. I'm willing to do a lot of leg-work in such an undertaking, but I would like more capable modders to handle to the core of scripting, world creation, etc. I'm very open to follow-up ideas and suggestions, so don't hesitate to share your sentiments! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robertkor Posted August 23, 2010 Share Posted August 23, 2010 im a semi experianced landscaper of you need tips or pointers i can help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EricWass Posted August 26, 2010 Share Posted August 26, 2010 i would like to see a seige battle too but with defending walls and stuff because the battles in the main quest are like the enemy opens the door and there is a battle of like 6 people and thats sort of lame Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted1662706User Posted August 26, 2010 Share Posted August 26, 2010 There's only 6 people if you don't get the other cities to help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alonsomartinez Posted August 26, 2010 Share Posted August 26, 2010 If you get this going id be happy to make models for you :thumbsup: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted1848331User Posted August 26, 2010 Share Posted August 26, 2010 Well then ppl. Time to make an island eh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deleted2159825 Posted August 28, 2010 Share Posted August 28, 2010 Thanks for the feedback, guys and gals! I started tampering with a new worldspace, but I ultimately elected to work on a small NPC mod to get some more experience with scripting. I was surprised to check the thread and see the responses (I just figured the idea was too impulsive and no one else was interested). If anyone wants to start on a worldspace, you have my encouragement and thanks. I can outline some characters and a rough plot this weekend (nothing complex - this is more of an action mod) if you guys want to get this thing going. If any interested modders want to contribute, please don't hesitate to post your ideas here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deleted2159825 Posted August 28, 2010 Share Posted August 28, 2010 One of the posts mentioned models, which could be interesting in light of the theme. I'm very partial to Nollemaster's crusader armor: But here are some possibilities: And of course: (I couldn't avoid the last reference!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TehBuddha Posted August 28, 2010 Share Posted August 28, 2010 Sounds pretty good :3 I could do some textures if you need any :thumbsup: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deleted2159825 Posted September 3, 2010 Share Posted September 3, 2010 Thanks again for the support, I'm sorry I've been so belated in my reply. I'm hoping to post some notes and general ideas on the thread tomorrow. On an unrelated note, I just finished my first Oblivion mod: Please feel free to download and critique it! Now that it's complete (or relatively done) I'm going to devote my energies solely to this concept. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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