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What utility should I use to identify shared meshes/textures?


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Well, the title says it all, but to expand on it, let me just say that I unpacked a BSA file downloaded from this site to fix a missing mesh issue. I copied the extracted meshes/textures into my Oblivion\Data file (of course, I removed the faulty .BSA archive from the Data folder) because I planned to repack them into a BSA archive, using TES4files (with the Uninstall, BSA, Fix NIF options ticked). However, while copying, I was prompted to overwrite existing files, and, as I was pretty sleepy, I pressed OK.


In hindsight, I think I should have cancelled the operation, and run a comparative file check to find what meshes/textures appear to be used by another mod too, but... alas... I was sleepy.


Long story short, my question is:


- what utility is the best to identify meshes/textures that are shared by multiple mods?

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