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Companion Issues

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This is the first time I've downloaded any mods, so forgive me for sounding like a total idiot sometimes.


A friend of mine told me to download companions because they were fun, so I did. I've downloaded the patch, the compainionmod-masterfile-thingy and a few other companion mods. After putting the downloads in a folder on my desktop, I copied them to the data folder, opened the Oblivion start-up, clicked data files and clicked all the boxes so a little X appeared in all of them.


Then I started my game and went to the Inns where my companions should wait for me, yet none of them were there.


My question is: what the hell went wrong?


Please help me out, since I'm a complete bungler with computers and mine will probably explode if I mess things up any further.

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I'm going to suggest two things, because the information you have provided is not really enough information for anybody to really help.


First, get and run BOSS. If your load order is messed up, this will really help.


BOSS - Better Oblivion Sorting Software




Then, if you are still having trouble, post your load order here so people can take a look at it. Some can spot trouble immediately just by looking at this. Following is an article by BBen on how to post a load order:


How to post a Load order list article


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