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Hi, I am probably about to install OBMM, and I just have a few questions being my cautious self.


I have installed a couple of mods which have had a standard and an OMOD version available, and, naturally, I chose the standard versions as I did not have OBMM. Will I have to delete(or other) these mods and install the OMOD versions, or will it be fine to just use the standard versions even if I am using OBMM ?


My second question is how will OBMM affect using/installing the construction set (if at all), which I may download in the near future?


My system is a 32-bit Windows Vista, and I am running the DVD-rom version of Oblivion (patched up to 1.2.416). I am also running the latest stable version of OBSE.


Any help on either questions is greatly appreciated. :)

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You can load standard versions with OBMM but it might not recognize them until you reinstall them using the manager. One of the great things about OBMM is you can load mods in multiple ways, like slect a folder, an archive, or by loading an omod file. It will not interfere with the CS -- it will list the mods in the same order they are listed in the manager.
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