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Master Sword V1.1


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I know he says it's at shadeleaf copse but where is that??







1) explain more about this "Master Sword".


a-go to the Imperial City Waterfrot

b-go in the captains cabin of the marie elena

c-grab the nirnroot in the plant pot

d-click OK

e-go to the Main Ingredient and ask about Nirnroot to the proprieter

f-go to the west weald inn in Skingrad, in the basement, the guy named Sinderion will send you on a quest to get Nirnroot

g-look on the map with the Nirnroot quest active, it will show you





(go there)

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Thx alot that map helped alot and this is the sword it's from zelda




Woah! wait- is this a mod? or is it originally in the game?

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