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How to make animals friendly


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I was wondering how you could make animals friendly to your player. The reason i wanted to know how to do this is because:

1. my one character is a dryad and i wish to make that character friendly with animals as it should be.

2. I would like to create sort of a zoo with a bunch of animals on display and facts about them.

3. I would like to add non-hostile animals to my house and city mods im working on so they can function as pets or gaurd dogs. With this though id like to possibly make it so animals are not hostile to there owner but are to others untill certain conditions are met. (such as a quest complete or an item worn.)


Any help would be great. Thank you in advance.

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You could try lowering the aggression of the creatures you are adding. I checked the aggression of a few creatures and here's what I found:


Minotaur had an aggression of 100.

Brown Bear had an aggression of 45.

Rat had an aggression of 70.

Ushnar's Dog (the Orc in Shivering Isles Crucible who was afraid of cats) had an aggression of 5.


The first three are made to attack you upon sight because their aggression is so high. However, Ushnar's Dog will not attack you on sight because his aggression is so low. So in theory, if you were adding animals and didn't want them to attack, you could lower their aggression (say you had a brown bear, you lower his aggression to that of Ushnar's Dog and he shouldn't attack on sight).


I'm new to modding and haven't had as much experience like other people on this site have, but I do imagine it would work.

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I need all npcs and the player because the zoo or whatever would need npcs to own/take care of the animals. dont want a remake of what happened when i broke into someones house only to see them get massacred by there dog and then have it get killed by me in one swipe. they would also need to be friendly to the other animals in the zoo so they dont try to attack them.
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wonderful i believe agression is abbreviated though am i correct? and if so what is its abbreviation? Also along with that i must aqskl if you know any good creature mods. preferably resources. Others work too though.
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It's not abbreviated. You'll see it if you go to the editing pane for the NPC, and then press the AI button in the bottom-left. You'll see 4 settings along the top. Aggression, Confidence, Energy, and Responsibility.


Aggression is the disposition level they need to be at to attack. If their disposition toward the other NPC is lower than that number, they'll likely attack or run away, based on the next attribute. If 100, the enemy will always attack anything. If 0, they'll never attack anything, even with being attacked.


Confidence is how likely they are to run away. When their health goes below that number as a percentage, the enemy will flee. If 100, they'll flee on entering combat. If 0, they'll never run away.


Nobody's figured out what energy is, but it might have something to do with how fast they move when wandering.


Responsibility involves the law. If it's above 30, they'll report crimes and refuse to buy stolen goods, below; and they'll ignore crimes and buy stolen property. Doesn't matter as much for creatures, though.

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