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CTD again, and I've been using the BOSS/BOMM to try to fix it


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I tried adding supreme magicka .90

I really want to use this mod, but since I downloaded,

yesterday, my game's been crashing. It'll allow me to go as far as the Oblivion main menu, but when I load a game, or even try clicking New Game, it'll load for about a second than complete CTD.


I even use the BOSS/BOMM and what-not.

Would any of y'all happen to know what might be the problem.


Also, even when I de-activated the omod,

my game continued to crash.

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You need a Based Patch (Cobl Tweaks requires it, for starters, as it's a 'Filter Only' esp). Install Wrye Bash and build a Bashed Patch.
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If you copy and paste your load order into an actual post I'd be happy to look at it for you. I'm a bit wary about letting things from people I don't know personally through my script blocker and antivirus and such, especially when they could easily be copied, pasted, and then posted online.
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